Council meetings

Visit our ModGov pages for information about council meetings, and watch web casts of council meetings.

Council meetings information on ModGov

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Council meetings from 6 May 2021

Following Government legislation and the easing of lockdown restrictions, from 6 May 2021, the Committee meetings listed below will be held in the Council Chamber:

  • Cabinet
  • Full Council
  • Overview and Scrutiny Committee
  • Finance and Performance Scrutiny Sub-committee
  • Planning and Licensing Committee
  • Audit and Governance Committee
  • Personnel Committee

These meetings will be webcast live and available to view

From January 2022 the Folkestone Parks and Pleasure Grounds Charity meetings will also be webcast live.

Remaining meetings; Joint Transportation Board, F&H District and Parish Councils' Joint Committee; Licensing Sub Committees and other planned meetings open to the public will continue remotely and streamed live on You Tube.

However, for practical reasons there may be occasions when these meetings are held in the Council Chamber.  Please check the relevant agenda prior to each meeting. 

Past council meetings will be archived and can be viewed on YouTube or Council Chamber Webcasts

Ask a question at a Council meeting