Paper petitions

This page will show details of any paper petitions which have been received in the last two years.

A petition was received on 3 August 2022 asking for the path between the Seaview Bridge and the Tram Shelter on Princes Parade to remain open and had a total of 284 signatures. As per the petitions scheme, set out in part 4 of the constitution, petitions which receive more than 250 signatures can be presented to a meeting of Full Council. This will be presented to Council on 28 September 2022.  Agenda for 28 September 2022

A petition was received on 31 August 2022 relating to the Jocks Pitch playground asking for FHDC to assist in building the proposed destination playground on Jocks Pitch, East Cliff, Harbour Ward. Unfortunately, the petition was rejected on the basis that the petitions scheme states that petitions submitted to the council must include the name and address and signature of any person supporting the submission, but the petition provided only the postcode of people supporting it.

A petition was received on 9 November 2022 asking for the development at Princes Parade to be abandoned and had a total of 311 signatures. As per the petitions scheme, set out in part 4 of the constitution, petitions which receive more than 250 signatures can be presented to a meeting of the Full Council. This petition will be presented to Council on 30 Nov 2022.  Agenda for 30 November 2022 

A petition was received on 7 February 2023  asking for the hoarding along the entire Princes Parade site to be removed and had a total of 325 signatures. As per the petitions scheme, set out in part 4 of the constitution, petitions which receive more than 250 signatures can be presented to a meeting of the Full Council. This petition will be presented to Council on 22 February 2023.   Agenda for 2 February 2023

A petition was received on 14 March 2023 asking for the development at Princes Parade to be abandoned and the site re-wilded and had a total of 361 signatures. As per the petitions scheme, set out in part 4 of the constitution, petitions which receive more than 250 signatures can be presented to a meeting of the Full Council. This petition will be presented to Council on 29 March 2023. Agenda for 29 March 2023

A petition was received on 2 April 2024 relating to the proposals for Folkestone Bus station. Unfortunately, the petition did not meet the threshold of 250 signatures in order for it to be presented to a meeting of the Council. However, officers provided a full response which is set out below:

Unfortunately, your petition did not meet the threshold of 250 signatures required in order for it to be presented to a meeting of the Full Council, as per the Petitions Scheme. However, the Director of Strategy and Resources has provided the response below:

The bus station is moving to Middelburg Square for a number of reasons, namely:
•    The current bus station was built for older buses and has difficulty accommodating newer, larger buses 
•    The new, linear design can better accommodate people with additional accessibility needs. There is a reduced radial for buses to manoeuvrer which helps reduce the gap between the kerb and the bus. A linear design can allow buses to get closer to the kerb. 
•    The new design improves pedestrian safety. Pedestrians currently cross the bus station between buses. The new bus station will greatly reduce the need for pedestrians crossing the carriageway. 
•    Stagecoach currently employ a Banksmen to help with bus movements which will not be required in the new layout.
•    Buses currently pull in front of one another and wait for each to enter and exit. This will not be the case with new layout. 
•    The new, linear bus station will solely be on Middelburg Square. The two Shellons Street bus stops will be retained and a bus stand added for driver provision only. Therefore there will be no need for pedestrians to walk to Shellons Street to catch buses displaced form the current bus station. 
•    A linear layout has been used elsewhere and works well (such as Dartford and Gravesend) and should improve the pedestrian experience.

Thorough Equality Impact Assessments (EQIAs) have been conducted for the different phases of the Folkestone - A Brighter Future  scheme which consider the impacts on various potential users of the area. You can read them at

We have held three public engagement events so far and those who have responded to the public survey have largely been in support of the move. We have published the feedback on our website:

*Once it is published

A petition was received on 4 September 2024 requesting local housing urgently for the residents of Pensand House, Hythe, who were being evicted. Unfortunately, the petition had 114 eligible signatures and so did not meet the 250 signature threshold in order to present to a meeting of Full Council. Officers have responded direct to the petitioner to advise that the Council is equally concerned about this and the impact it will have on the residents. The situation faced by the residents is the result of a decision taken by the property owners. The Council is unable to influence or change their decision.  The Council’s Housing Options Service will work to assist any residents in the accommodation who are affected by homelessness.  The Housing Options Service can be contacted by telephone 01303 853300 or by email

A petition was received on 3 December 2024 relating to the proposals for Folkestone Bus Station with 180 signatures. Unfortunately, the petition did not meet the criteria set out in the petitions scheme as it did not meet the 250 signature threshold, and only postcodes were provided for each signature.  Although the petition is ineligible for presentation to a meeting of Full Council, the petitioner has been invited to arrange a meeting with the officers and Members leading on the town centre project.