Equality and diversity

We have an Equality and Diversity Policy and a set of objectives to help us deliver the policy

Our commitments

Our Equality and Diversity Policy confirms our commitment to:

  • remove or minimise disadvantages suffered by people because of their protected characteristics and social and economic status

  • take steps to meet the specific needs of people from protected groups
  • encourage people from protected groups to participate in public life or in other activities where they are under-represented

View the Equality Policy 2021 -25 (PDF, 845KB)

We are required annually to publish information in relation to Equality and Diversity. 

View our latest report FHDC Equality and Diversity Annual Report 2022-23 (PDF, 6.54MB).

Contact Leadership Support if you would like us to post you a paper copy, or would like the information in another format eg large print. Paper copies are also available to view at the Civic Centre.