Rubbish on private land

We deal with complaints about rubbish piles on private property.

Report it to us

If you see rubbish piling up on private land or property, report it.

You will need to

Log into your MyAccount (or create an account if you don't already have one) to complete the form. MyAccount is an easier and quicker way to interact with us and is available 24/7.

Report rubbish on private land

What we'll do

We investigate every complaint

Our Pollution team need to find out who owns the land and must be satisfied that one or more of these conditions applies:

  • the rubbish is causing a smell inside neighbouring properties
  • it's in quantities large enough to be a risk to health
  • it contains food or other materials that will attract vermin, or is already harbouring vermin

What happens next?

If the team decides to act on the complaint, they'll give the owner notice to remove the rubbish by a certain date.

If this doesn't happen, the owner will either get a fine, or we will remove the rubbish and charge the owner.