If there are problems concerning a premises that has been granted a club premises certificate, you can ask for a review of the licence.
Who can apply for a review?
A responsible authority or any other person can request a review.
Reviews can't be made anonymously. If you are concerned about possible intimidation, you could consider approaching the relevant responsible authority to see if they would apply for a review.
What are the grounds for a review?
The review must relate to one or more of the licensing objectives, which are:
- prevention of crime and disorder
- prevention of public nuisance
- public safety
- protecting children from harm
Problems must be linked to a particular premises. A review would normally be rejected, for example, if it related to a general issue of crime and disorder in a town centre unless it could be shown to be caused by or linked to a particular premises.
Requests for reviews will be rejected if they are considered to be:
- frivolous (clearly lacking seriousness)
- vexatious (the complaint has arisen due to a dispute or competition between businesses), or
- repetitious (it is identical or similar grounds to review or representation that has already been considered)
Before you start
You should try to resolve the matter outside the formal review process. This could involve:
- talking to the licence holder to see if there are any steps they may be willing to take to rectify the situation
- asking us, your local MP or councillor to talk to the licensee on your behalf
- contacting the relevant responsible authority to see if there is any other legislation that could help resolve the issue
If you decide to apply for a review:
- get the backing of other local people or businesses in the vicinity of the premises
- contact other responsible authorities for their support
- consider what evidence you will provide to support your case. You may find a diary of events over a period of time or information concerning individual incidents useful
How to apply
Complete and return the premise licence review application form
Application for review of a club premises certificate
You will need to send a copy of your application and supporting documents to each of the responsible authorities and to the licence holder.
What happens next
If we reject your application, we will write to you explaining the reasons why.
If we accept your application, we will advertise it for 28 days. This is done by placing a notice at the premises. Responsible authorities and other people can make representations about the review during this time.
We will organise a hearing of the licensing sub-committee (unless all parties agree that it is unnecessary) to consider the application. At the hearing, the committee will hear evidence from all parties and may ask further questions.
The licensing sub-committee will make a decision. They may:
- decide that no action is necessary to promote the licensing objectives
- modify or add conditions to the licence
- exclude a licensable activity from the licence
- remove the designated premises supervisor
- suspend the licence for a period (not exceeding 3 months)
- revoke the licence
We will write to confirm the decision and how you can appeal.