Fire safety

Landlords have a responsibility to ensure that their tenants are protected against the risk of fire

Fire safety measures

Depending on the type of accommodation, fire safety measures can vary. They can include:

  • Smoke alarms;
  • Mains wired fire alarms;
  • Emergency lighting systems;
  • Fire doors; and,
  • Protective partitions

Fire risk assessment

In blocks of flats or houses in multiple occupation where there are common areas, the responsible person must also carry out a fire risk assessment (as required by the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005), enforced by Kent Fire and Rescue Service.

Means of escape and other fire precautions

Means of escape in case of fire and other fire precautions in certain types of property such as single dwellings, converted self contained flats and houses in multiple occupation (HMOs), and some accommodation above commercial premises are enforced by the local housing authority. 

We signed a protocol with Kent Fire and Rescue Service, whereby the Private Sector Housing team take the lead on giving advice and ensuring that fire precautions are to an appropriate standard in these premises. 

How do we assess fire risk?

We use the Housing Act 2004 and the Housing Health and Safety Rating System to assure the risk of fire and prescribe remedial works which would alleviate the hazards. 

The LACORS guide to fire safety in certain types of accommodation is used to apply a consistent standard of fire safety to these premises.

Get fire safety advice

For advice on fire safety in single dwellings, self contained flats and HMOs please contact the Private Sector Housing team on 01303 853660.

Private sector housing enquiry

If your fire safety query is relating to council owned buildings or commercial premises please contact the Folkestone fire safety office on 01622 212474.

Smoke alarms and carbon monoxide alarms in rented properties

Landlords of privately rented homes are required to:

  • Fit at least one smoke alarm on each floor within their properties
  • Fit a carbon monoxide alarm in rooms containing a solid fuel appliance
  • Check that all alarms are working when a new tenancy starts

We are responsible for enforcement of the regulations.

Landlords who do not have smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors fitted and in full working order will be subject to remedial work by us and a penalty charge of up to £5000. 

View the Statement of Principles for Penalty Charges April 2016 (PDF, 273KB)