Part-time students
As a part-time student you can claim Housing Benefit in the same way as anyone else, as long as you are eligible.
Full-time students
You can only claim housing benefit as a full-time student if you receive or are one of the following:
- you get Income Support
- you get income-based Jobseekers Allowance
- you get income-related Employment Support Allowance
- you're classed as disabled
- you're a pensioner
- you're classed as incapable of work for benefit purposes
- you're in a couple where both members are students and you have at least one dependent child living with you
- you foster a child
- you're under 19 and not in higher education
You'll need to give details of your student income and provide an original valid student certificate (not a photocopy).
What we take into account to calculate your housing benefit
- any maintenance loan you're entitled to - even if you choose not to take it out
- Adult Dependents Grant
- Maintenance Grant
- bursaries unrelated to course or childcare costs
- most Access to Learning Fund payments that help with your general living costs
We don't take into account
- Higher Education Grant
- Tuition Fee Loan
- Childcare Grant
- Parents Learning Allowance
- Access to Learning Fund payments that aren't for general living costs
- Special Support Grant
- Bursaries that are for course-related or childcare costs
To find out what help you can get use the link below
Benefit & budgeting calculator
Apply for housing benefit
Use the link below to apply for Housing Benefit