Business rates data 2024

View 2024 data about business rates accounts in the district, including rateable value, total liability, and reliefs or exemptions, updated monthly

Available information

  • property reference number
  • account start date
  • primary liable party name and contact address
  • property address and description
  • rateable value and total liability
  • details of any exemptions or reliefs and their start date
  • small business rate relief status
  • occupied status

For data protection compliance, names and correspondence addresses are only provided where the account is not in an individual's name.

Business rates information June 2024 (XLSX, 568KB)

Business rates information May 2024 (XLSX, 556KB)

Business rates information April 2024 (XLSX, 555KB)

Business rates information March 2024 (XLSX, 556KB)

Business rates information February 2024 (XLSX, 557KB)

Business rates information January 2024 (XLSX, 550KB)