CLH seed funding grants & external funding opportunities

We are able to provide seed funding (start-up funding) to local affordable CLH & cohousing projects whose aim is to deliver a community housing scheme.

First Stage Seed Funding Grant

The scheme can make seed funding grants of up to £3,000 available for CLH groups in the first stages of coming together to enable them to pay for training, research, visits to other successful projects, & costs related to becoming a formalised group.

Second Stage Seed Funding Grants

For CLH groups progressing to the next stage of having identified a possible site for their housing project, there are grants available of up to £10,000. 

This is to help with costs of developing a business case, feasibility & design work, paying for professional input, planning applications, business planning & project management in the lead up to applications for capital funding for the project.

To apply for the funding please send an email to address below with a brief description of your project:

Email your funding request

Further Funding Opportunities

Get in Touch

To arrange a chat about the possibilities for your group and/or community, with no ties, commitments or obligations send an email to: