Anti-social behaviour

Report any anti-social behaviour

Improvements to the CCTV and radio network

Project completed

The Safer Streets Funding has funded the purchase of five re-deployable CCTV cameras that can be used in different locations when anti-social behaviour or crime issues are reported.

In addition, the funding has allowed an upgrade to the current Folkestone Area Partnership Against Crime (FAPAC) radio network with the purchase of 2 additional base stations and 30 radios.  This FAPAC radio network allows businesses, partners, and Kent Police to communicate with one another efficiently.

Improving the local environment

Project completed

Part of the funding has been put toward the removal of graffiti. With money being used to buy materials such as the specialist chemical cleaners for graffiti removal.

Part of the fund has also been allocated to the Town Sprucers. The Town Sprucer team has been operating for ten years and is managed by Sunflower House, a local Folkestone community-based charity. The team consists of the Sprucer and a group of volunteers.  The money from the Safer Streets fund will help fund their work between October 23 and March ’24.

Alley gate

Expected project completion – June 2024

A new alley gate will be installed along Sandgate Road between Viet Street and Holland & Barrett using money from the Safer Streets Fund.  The alley is a known location for anti-social behaviour. The gate will  significantly reduce the opportunities for dangerous and anti-social behaviour to take place including people accessing the roofs of adjacent un-used buildings.