Radicalisation and extremism (Prevent)

What is Prevent?

Prevent is part of CONTEST, Counter-terrorism strategy (CONTEST) 2023 one of the four elements of the government's counter terrorism strategy.

Prevent is a national programme that aims to stop people from becoming radicalised, supporting terrorism, or becoming terrorists. It works to ensure that people who are susceptible to radicalisation are offered appropriate interventions, and communities are protected against radicalising influences.

Radicalisation can happen when a person develops extreme views or beliefs that support terrorist groups or activities.

There are different types of terrorism and Prevent deals with all of them. Prevent is run locally by experts who understand the risks and issues in their area, and how best to support their communities. These experts include local authorities, the police, charities, and community organisations.

The objectives of Prevent are:

  • Tackle the ideological causes of terrorism
  • intervene early to support people susceptible to radicalisation
  • enable people who have already engaged in terrorism to disengage and rehabilitate

Extremism and radicalisation in our community are very real threats, and being aware is the first step. You can help to reduce the threat from terrorism, radicalisation and extremism.

How to I report a concern?

If any member of the public has immediate concerns about potential extremist activity they should contact the police on 999.

To report a concern, including the welfare of an individual, or you are concerned that someone may be becoming radicalised, you can call the ACT Early Support Line on 0800 011 3764, or you can email the KCC Prevent team at prevent@kent.gov.uk.

Terrorist attacks can sadly lead to spikes in hate crime against certain groups, with many people feeling vulnerable. Hate crime is not tolerated, is taken extremely seriously, and should always be reported.

Early intervention and support – Channel

Channel is a key element of the Prevent strategy and provides early support for anyone who is vulnerable to being drawn into any form of terrorism or supporting terrorist organisations, regardless of age, faith, ethnicity, or background.

Channel uses a multi-agency approach to identify and provide support to individuals who are at risk of being drawn into terrorism, including people holding and expressing violent extremist views. The overall aim is early intervention and diverting people away from potential risk.

While it remains rare for children and young people to become involved in terrorist activity, young people from an early age can be exposed to terrorist and extremist influences or prejudiced views. As with other forms of safeguarding strategies, early intervention is always preferable.

Visit Kent County Council (Prevent) pages for more information or take a look at the following rapid read resources:

Download Kent & Medway - Prevent? (PDF, 543KB)

Download Kent & Medway – What is Channel? (PDF, 104MB)

Download Kent & Medway – Countering extremism in young people (PDF, 1.18MB)

Download Kent & Medway – Children’s anti-hate crime (PDF 1.41MB)

Download Kent & Medway – Teenage anti-hate crime (PDF, 3.04MB)