Safer parks

Expected project completion – October 2023 – March 2025

Safer Streets funding will be put towards research undertaken by Kent County Council and the Family Hub. The research will explore patterns of young people gathering and anti-social behaviour. The aim of the research is to identify any potential safeguarding concerns as well as any adults of concern. 

Some examples of the work being done to determine this are:

  • Visiting key locations at various times of the week will explore the behaviour patterns of young people gathering with a specific focus on anti-social behaviour, identifying contextual safeguarding concerns and any adults of concern
  • Signposting young people to support services and positive opportunities where appropriate
  • Talking to young people to find out more about their safety concerns in the target area
  • Engaging with non-traditional partners such as fast food restaurants, bus stations to get their views about safety of the area
  • Gathering information on any physically unsafe areas in Safer Streets area.  This information will be shared with the Community Safety Partnership for action
  • Reporting of information to the police and/or the council, for example, concerns regarding illegal vapes and selling to underage young people
  • Weekly youth detached sessions with a youth van in Mill Bay/Payers Park area.