Safer Streets Folkestone

See more information and the latest updates on the Safer Streets project

In October 2023 the Community Safety Partnership, Kent Police and Kent Police and Crime Commissioner were successful in their bid to the Home Office’ Safer Streets Fund. This means they were given total of £271,351.60 to continue work to make Folkestone town centre even safer.

Round five of the Safer Streets Fund will run until the end of March 2025.

The funding will be used by our Community Safety Partnership to invest in transformative crime prevention initiatives that focus on reducing levels of neighbourhood crime, anti-social behaviour and violence against women and girls.

In Folkestone the funding will focus on five key areas:

  • CCTV
  • Anti-social behaviour and crime prevention
  • Education programmes
  • Safer Parks
  • Public guardianship

This will mean the launch of new initiatives as well as building on the work the CSP already do.

Projects will include:

  • Upgrading the Folkestone Town Council CCTV network,
  • Upgrade and re-connect 5 deployable CCTV cameras.
  • Upgrade the Folkestone Area Partnership Against Crime (FAPAC) radio network and provide tools to advertise / increase membership
  • Active Bystander Training, VAWG Training and Contextual Safeguarding Training
  • Youth Outreach to tackle ASB
  • Map and Signpost Safe Routes
  • Graffiti and litter removal
  • Develop Safe Taxi Scheme and safety improvements to the taxi ranks
  • Support the Street Pastors
  • Establish new Neighbourhood Watch area and promote messaging systems such as Our Watch
  • Promote Hollie Guard App