UK Shared Prosperity Fund (UKSPF)

The UK Shared Prosperity Fund is a central pillar of the UK government's Levelling Up agenda and provides £2.6 billion of national funding for local investment by March 2025.

How UKSPF funding will be spent in district

The council's £1 million investment plan was approved in December 2022  and is focussed on two investment priorities.

Communities and Place

Addressing poverty and financial exclusion are major priorities for the council. There are areas of significant deprivation in the district and the funding will support several projects helping residents.

Bed project

The council’s welfare team has identified the need to support children and adults who do not have beds or suitable sleeping arrangements.

Providing beds and bedding ensure a better quality of sleep which assists in a child’s development and helps an adult’s work readiness. Not sleeping on the floor also reduces the heating required to stay warm at night.

Energy efficiency project

Ensuring that boilers are regularly serviced and white goods are working properly or replaced with up to date models reduces energy costs for residents.

This project supports greener solutions and energy efficiency, ensuring greater sustainability for the whole district and healthier homes.

Cost of living project

The council is working with voluntary sector organisations to address food poverty and other cost of living issues.

Building on the community support network developed during the Covid pandemic, the council is using the funding to support organisations to extend the food bank provision. This will be done through mobile and static services using existing food banks and the links created by community hubs.

Additionally, cookery classes are to be organised to enable residents to develop skills in how to eat healthily on a low budget and reduce food waste.

Supporting local business

During the funding programme the council will be looking to provide support for local areas to fund skills needs. Work will be undertaken with local businesses to identify in what areas they are unable to fill vacancies due to skills shortages.

Additionally, green skills courses will be a focus targeted around ensuring the district has a skilled workforce to achieve the government's net zero and wider environmental ambitions.

Further information

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