Core Strategy Review Examination News and Updates

Core Strategy Review Examination News and Update (2021)

10 December 2021

Core Strategy Review Main Modifications Consultation - Responses

Folkestone & Hythe District Council (F&HDC) ran the consultation on the Proposed Main Modifications on the Core Strategy Review for a period of six weeks from 01 October 2021 to 15 November 2021 (closed 5.00pm).

This was on behalf of the Inspectors appointed by the Secretary of State:  Mr Kevin Ward BA (Hons) MRTPI and Mr Philip Mileham BA (Hons) MRTPI, to carry out the independent Examination of the Core Strategy Review.

F&HDC received 86 comments from 27 consultees and these are published below, with all personal information redacted.  A further one comment from one Consultee was received on the Sustainability Appraisal.

All responses are published below:

The comments can also be viewed via the Planning Consultation Portal.

All the comments were forwarded to the Inspectors on November 16, 2021 who will finalise their report.

01 October 2021

The Council  has published today for consultations the Main Modifications for the Core Strategy Review.  The main modifications have been prepared at the Inspectors' direction, following consideration of national planning policy, the written evidence submitted by the council and other participants, and the discussion at the examination hearings.  The Inspectors have identified 21 Main Modifications and these now have to be consulted on. They have been given the reference numbers MM01 to MM21.

Consultation on Main Modifications

The consultation will only be on the Main Modifications to the Core Strategy Review, alongside the accompanying Sustainability Appraisal and Habitats Regulations Assessment. The consultation is focused on the Main Modifications and you will not be able to raise new matters, or reopen matters that the Inspectors have already considered.

The consultation on the Main Modifications to the Core Strategy Review alongside the Sustainability Appraisal / Habitats Regulations Assessment will run for a period of six weeks from 1 October 2021 until 5.00pm on 15 November 2021.

Comments should be made through the consultation portal or by completing the appropriate representation form. A separate form should be used for each comment you wish to make.  Hard copies of the consultation documents are available to view at all local libraries within the district and at the council offices in Folkestone during normal opening hours (please see the main modifications page in the website for details).

 It would help the Planning Inspectors if you say in your response whether you support or object to the Main Modifications and set out the reasons why, and also set out any proposed changes to the wording that you would like the Inspectors to consider.

The Main Modifications together with the Sustainability Appraisal, Habitats Regulations Assessment and a guidance note with more information on how to respond are available. Link to Core Strategy Review page

The documents are listed below and can also be viewed on the Main Modifications Page

16 July 2021

The Inspectors have sent two communications to the Council Team this morning regarding the Main Modifications on the Examination of the F&HDC Core Strategy Review:

14 July 2021

The Council have added a document to the Examination Document Library in response to an Action Point from the Inspectors on Matter 7a from the hearing session on July 1, 2021.

  • FHDC EX125 (PDF, 562KB) FHDC Core Strategy Review Council Response to Inspectors' Action Points Matter 7a - Otterpool Park LLP - Update on Planning Application for New Garden Settlement (PDF, 562KB)

13 July 2021

The Council have added a document to the Examination Document Library following the end of the Hearing Session held on July 1, 2021.  This is at the request of the Inspectors. 

08 July 2021

The Council have added a document in response to an Inspectors' Action Point arising from the Hearing Session held on July 1, 2021.  The document has been added to the Examination Document Library FHDC EX123 (PDF, 364KB)

07 July 2021

The individual appendix from the SoCG between Folkestone & Hythe District Council and Highways England have been added to the Examination Evidence Library today  by the Council -  (Document references FHDC EX099 to FHDC EX122)

01 July, 2021

Following the closure of the Hearing Sessions today for the Examination of the Folkestone and Hythe District Council (F&HDC) Core Strategy Review the Inspectors have sent the Council a letter regarding the Post Hearings Overview.  Any further matters regarding the hearing sessions should be addressed to the Programme Officer.

FHDC EX098 (PDF, 122KB) Inspector's Letter to Council - Post Hearings Overview - 1 July 2021

30 June, 2021

The Council have added an additional document to the Examination Document Library today:

  • FHDC EX097 (PDF, 187KB)  FHDC Core Strategy Review - Matter 8 - Update to Housing Supply Tables based on pre-monitoring information (Addition to Documents FHDC EX053, FHDC EX076 & FHDC EX092)

The agenda for the Hearing Session - Admin and Procedural Session being held on Thursday July 1, 2021 is below:

This session will be a Virtual Hearing Session and will be streamed live on the Council's "You Tube" Channel which can be accessed via: from 09:30 hours on July 1, 2021.

28 June, 2021

The final agenda for the resumed virtual hearing session on Matter 7a - New Garden Settlement - Transport:

This session will be a Virtual Hearing Session and will be streamed live on the Council's "You Tube" Channel which can be accessed via: from 09:30 hours on June 29, 2021.

28 June, 2021

The Council have added a number of documents to the Examination  Document Library today:

  • FHDC EX092 (PDF, 1.63MB) FHDC Core Strategy Review Council Response to Inspectors' Action Points Matter 8 - Points 1 and 2 - Supply and Delivery of Housing Land - Update to Housing Supply Tables in addition to FHDC EX076
  • FHDC EX093 (PDF, 281KB) FHDC CSR - Mitigation Framework for the Local Highway Network 28.06.2021
  • FHDC EX094 (PDF, 272KB) FHDC CSR - Mitigation Framework for the Strategic Road Network 25.06.21
  • FHDC EX095 (PDF, 3.58MB) FHDC CSR - FHDC & Highways England SoCG re Matter 7 & 11 (EX083) - Additional Appendix with Merge Diverge Updated Layouts
  • FHDC EX096 (PDF, 898KB)  FHDC Core Strategy Review - Additional Viability Report on Otterpool Park New Garden Settlement

24 June 2021

The Inspectors have issued today the agenda for the Hearing Session to be held on Thursday July 1, 2021 commencing at 09:30 hours

  • FHDC EX091 (PDF, 521KB) Agenda for Hearing Session on July 1, 2021 commencing at 09:30 hours (this session will be broadcast live on the Council's "You Tube" Channel (link for this can be found below)

23 June 2021

Following the hearing sessions being held on June 29 2021 (and the reserve day of June 30, 2021), the Inspectors have today announced a session to be held on July 1, 2021 to complete administrative details between them and Folkestone & Hythe District Council Team regarding the Examination of the Core Strategy Review. 

  • July 1, 2021 commencing at 09:30 - Inspectors and F&HDC Team administrative session

22 June 2021

Resumption of  Hearing Session Matter 7a - New Garden Settlement - Transport

The Inspectors have today issued the Agenda for the resumption of Matter 7a - New Garden Settlement - Transport

  • FHDC EX090 (PDF, 489KB) - Agenda for Matter 7a - New Garden Settlement - Transport being held on Tuesday 29 June, 2021 commencing at 09:30 am
  • The Inspectors have requested a reserve day for Wednesday June 30, 2021 if needed.

This session will be a Virtual Hearing Session and will be streamed live on the Council's "You Tube" Channel which can be accessed via: from 09:30 hours on June 29, 2021.

Additional Appendix added to Examination Document Library

An additional  appendix added to Document FHDC EX087/EX088 in relation to the Folkestone & Hythe District Council response to Inspectors' Note on resumption of Main Matter 7a - New Garden Settlement.  (Added to Examination Document Library) - Document:  FHDC EX089 (PDF, 3.07MB)

21 June 2021

The additional statements received by 17:00 hours on Friday 18 June, 2021 have been added to the Examination Document Library - see Documents listed in the Main Matter 7a section of the Library (within the Evidence Documents)

The Council's response to the Inspectors' Note for the resumed hearing session on Main Matter 7a - New Garden Settlement are:

  • FHDC EX087 (PDF, 474KB) Folkestone & Hythe District Council response to Inspectors ' Note on Matter 7a - New Garden Settlement
  • FHDC EX088 (PDF, 4MB) Appendix to Document FHDC EX087 (Folkestone & Hythe District Council response to Inspectors' Note on Matter 7a - New Garden Settlement

The Agenda for the resumed hearing session for Main Matter 7a will be published in the very near future.

09 June 2021

The Council has added Appendix 22 & 23 for the SoCG with Highways England  to the Examination Document Library:

07 June 2021

The Inspectors have today issued the resumption of hearing session note on the proposed New Garden Settlement to all participants who attended Matter 7a and the Council Team:

The hearing session will resume on Tuesday, 29 June 2021 at 09:30 hours ( and continuing on Wednesday, 30 June 2021 if necessary).

The resumed session will cover a range of transport issues as set out on the original agenda. It will include discussion of the recently published Statement of Common Ground between the Council and Highways England and associated background information. It will also include discussion on the implications of this in terms of costs and funding, the timescale for the proposed development and its phasing, delivery and viability and potential main modifications necessary.

Further written statements

There is an opportunity for participants to submit further written statements in light of the Statement of Common Ground and associated background information referred to above. These should be focused on this recently published information and its implications and not revisit other issues or repeat previously submitted statements.  (Only those participants who attended Matter 7a)

The Council is requested to submit a statement covering:

  • A summary of the updated position between the Council and Highways England
  • Updates on costs and funding arrangements for mitigation
  • Effect on timescale and phasing of the New Garden Settlement
  • Effect on viability and delivery including any revised viability assessments
  • Suggested main modifications to address matters

All further statements should be submitted to the Programme Officer by no later than 5pm on Friday 18 June 2021.

Further details on the hearing session will be published in due course.  Any issues relating to this information should be sent directly to the Programme Officer.

04 June 2021

The Council has added the following document to the Examination Document Library regarding the SoCG with Highways England and the Inspectors Action Points:

19 May 2021

Resumption of Hearing Sessions

The resumption of the hearing sessions on the proposed New Garden Settlement of  the  Examination of the Folkestone & Hythe District Council Core Strategy Review  is proposed for June 2021.

The Inspectors propose to resume the sessions on:

  • Tuesday, 29 June 2021 at 09:30 hours (and continuing on Wednesday, 30 June 2021 if necessary) (the session will deal primarily with transport matters but may cover issues arising from earlier discussion and action points relating to infrastructure, phasing, viability and potential main modifications)

The final hearing session will be held on:

Thursday, 1 July 2021 (to deal with any outstanding issues including those arising from action points from earlier sessions)

To meet the resumption of the hearing session on the timescale envisaged the information and Statement of Common Ground (SoCG) in relation to transport matters for the proposed New Garden Settlement will need to be published by Friday, 4 June 2021 at the latest.

The Inspectors will then provide the Council and participants at the hearing session the opportunity to submit additional written statements on this new information by no later than 5.00pm on Friday, 18 June, 2021.

(These dates are dependent on the publication of the information and SoCG and if not met then the Inspectors will not be able to proceed with the hearing sessions as planned.)

Details of the Agenda for the hearing sessions and the virtual hearing session details will be published in due course.

18 May 2021

The Council has added a document to the CSR Examination Document Library regarding their response to an Inspectors' Action Point from Matter 7a - New Garden Settlement regarding the Infrastructure Requirements of the Blue Light Services:

  • FHDC EX082 (PDF, 4.74MB) - Core Strategy Review Council Response to Inspectors' Action Points Matter 7a - New Garden Settlement - Infrastructure Requirements of Blue Light Services

30 March 2021

The Inspectors' have written to the Council regarding the resumption of the Examination Hearing Session for June 2021.  The letter can be viewed here FHDC EX081 (PDF, 155KB)

03 March 2021

In response to the recent letter to the Council from the Inspectors dated 24 February, 2021 the Council have today sent an update back to them dated 03 March, 2021.  The letter can be viewed here FHDC EX080 (PDF, 217KB)

24 February 2021

The Inspectors have written to the Council regarding the outstanding actions for Hearing Sessions of the FHDC (Folkestone & Hythe District Council) Examination Core Strategy Review.  The letter can be viewed here FHDC EX078 (PDF, 128KB)

The Council have added a document to the CSR Examination Document Library regarding their response to Matter 7a - New Garden Settlement - Policies SS6 - SS9 of the Inspectors' Action Points  from the recent Hearing Sessions and the above letter:

  • FHDC EX079 (PDF, 940KB)  - Core Strategy Review - Council Response to Inspectors' Action Points Matter 7a - New Garden Settlement - Policies SS6 to SS9

11 February 2021

The Council have added a document to the CSR Examination Document Library regarding their response to Matter 7b - Sellindge Strategy - CSD9 of the Inspectors' Action Points from the recent Hearing Session:

  • FHDC EX077 (PDF, 1.34MB) - Core Strategy Review - Council Response to Inspectors' Action Points Matter 7b - Sellindge Strategy - Policy CSD9

28 January 2021

The Council have added another document to the CSR Examination Document Library regarding their response to another of the Inspectors' Action Points from a recent Hearing Session:

  • FHDC EX076 (PDF, 346KB) - Core Strategy Review Council Response to Inspectors' Action Points Matter 8 - Points 1 and 2 - Supply and Delivery of Housing Land

25 January 2021

Further documents have been added to the CSR Examination Document Library regarding Council Responses for Inspector' Action Points for recent Hearing Sessions:

  • FHDC EX069 (PDF, 423KB) - FHDC Core Strategy Review Council Response to Inspectors' Action Points Matter 7a - New Garden Settlement Infrastructure Costs
  • FHDC EX070 (PDF, 390KB) - Core Strategy Review Council Response to Inspectors' Action Points Matter 9 - Point 3 - Policy CSD1 - Balanced Neighbourhoods - Site Size Thresholds
  • FHDC 071 (PDF, 780KB) - FHDC Core Strategy Review Council Response to Inspectors' Action Points Matter 9- Point 4 - Balanced Neighbourhoods & District Residential Needs - Section 106 Contributions
  • FHDC EX072 (PDF, 488KB) - FHDC Core Strategy Review Council Response to Inspectors' Action Points Matter 11 - Other Policies - Policy CSD3: Rural and Tourism Development
  • FHDC EX073 (PDF, 627KB) - FHDC Core Strategy Review Council Response to Inspectors' Action Points Matter 11 - Other Policies - CSD4: Green Infrastructure of Natural Networks, Open Spaces and Recreation
  • FHDC EX074 (PDF, 440KB) - FHDC Core Strategy Review Council Response to Inspectors' Action Points Matter 10 - Economic & Retail Growth - Policy SS2 - Housing and Economy Growth Strategy
  • FHDC EX075 (PDF, 977KB) - FHDC Core Strategy Review Council Response to Inspectors' Action Points Matter 11 - Other Policies - CSD5: Water & Coastal Environmental Management

20 January 2021

Further documents have been added to the CSR Examination Document Library regarding Council Responses for Inspector' Action Points for recent Hearing Sessions:

  • FHDC EX065 (PDF, 579KB) - FHDC Core Strategy Review Council Response to Inspectors' Action Points Matter 3, Point 5 - Supply of C2 Accommodation
  • FHDC EX066 (PDF, 382KB) - FHDC Core Strategy Review Council Response to Inspectors' Action Points Matter 9, Points 2 & 5 - Policy CSD1 - Balanced Neighbourhoods
  • FHDC EX068 (PDF, 374KB) - FHDC Core Strategy Review Council Response to Inspectors' Action Points Matter 6 - Policy SS1 and Policy CSD8
  • FHDC EX067 (PDF, 1.12MB) - Otterpool Nutrient Mitigation Analysis Update Memo P1, January  2021

18 January 2021

Further documents have been added to CSR Examination Document Library regarding various Matters in response to Inspectors' Action Points:

  • FHDC EX057 (PDF, 1.65MB) - FHDC Core Strategy Review Council Response to Inspectors' Action Points - Matter 4 - District Settlement Hierarchy
  • FHDC EX058 (PDF, 375KB) - FHDC Core Strategy Review Council Response to Inspectors' Action Points - Matter 5 - 3 Shorncliffe Garrison Build Out Rate
  • FHDC EX059 (PDF, 345KB) - FHDC Core Strategy Review Council Response to Inspectors' Action Points - Matter 4 Points 5 & 6 - Policy SS3 Place Shaping
  • FHDC EX060 (PDF, 344KB) - FHDC Core Strategy Review Council Response to Inspectors' Action Points - Matter 5 Point 2 - Policy SS10 - Folkestone Sea Front
  • FHDC EX061 (PDF, 345KB) - FHDC Core Strategy Review Council Response to Inspectors' Action Points - Matter 5 Point 3 - Policy SS11 - Shorncliffe Garrison
  • FHDC EX062 (PDF, 328KB) - FHDC Core Strategy Review Council Response to Inspectors' Action Points - Matter 5 - Policy CSD7 - Hythe Strategy
  • FHDC EX063 (PDF, 343KB) - FHDC Core Strategy Review Council Response to Inspectors' Action Points - Matter 9, Point 2 - Policy CSD2 - District Residential Needs
  • FHDC EX064 (PDF, 754KB) - FHDC Core Strategy Review Council Response to Inspectors' Action Points Matter 10 - Policy SS4 - Priority Centres of Activity Strategy

Please use this link to access the documents with the CSR Examination Document Library

11 January 2021

Further additional documents added to CSR Examination Document Library regarding Matters, 5 & 6 and 9 in response to Inspectors' Action Points:

And Council Response to Inspectors' Action Points Matter 2 - Reg 18 Responses from Neighbouring Authorities:

An additional document has been added to the CSR Examination Document Library for Matter 8 - The Supply and Delivery of Housing Land:

08 January 2021

Additional documents added to the Evidence Base Library today  by the Council:

The Council added a note on SHLAA Evidence Note to the Examination News Library:

And an Extract from Affinity Water WRMP for Matter 7a:

07 January 2021

The Council has added a number of documents to the Evidence Base Library:

  • EB 02.96 SA Report PPLP Reg 18
  • EB 02.97 SA Report PPLP Reg 19
  • EB 04.40 F&HDC SHLAA 2009/2010
  • EB 04.50 F&HDC SHLAA 2011/2012
  • EB 04.60 F&HDC SHLAA 2015/2016
  • EB 04.70 F&HDC SHLAA (PPLP) 2016/2017
  • EB 04.80 F&HDC SHLAA (PPLP) 2017/2018
  • The link to access these documents is Core Strategy Review Evidence Base Library

04 January 2021

The Examination of the Folkestone & Hythe District Council Core Strategy Review re-commences on Tuesday 05 January 2021 at 09:30 hours.  The hearing sessions will proceed entirely "virtually" using video conferencing technology to protect the health of all participants.

This will be week two of the virtual hearing sessions and will commence with Matter 7 (a) - Overall Strategy for the North Downs Area and New Garden Settlement.