Everybody generates moisture in their homes through normal daily activities such as cooking and bathing.
Condensation of moisture and water vapour occurs on colder surfaces, and mould spores form on the surface when the vapour condenses into water.
Nobody likes draughts, but some ventilation is essential. The double glazing and fire doors fitted in most homes nowadays keeps them more air-tight and less draughty than years ago. Whilst this is a good thing with regards to heating and energy efficiency, a lack of ventilation can cause condensation, which could lead to a damp atmosphere in your home.
Residents are responsible for ensuring that they create the right combination of heating and ventilation to keep their homes free from the effects of condensation.
The more moisture produced in your home, the greater the chances of condensation and mould. In winter, open the windows a little when they mist up. If you fit draught stripping, leave a space for a small amount of air to get through. When you are cooking, having a bath/shower, or drying clothes open a window and/or use an extractor fan to help air circulation.
If the problem continues, please contact us and we will carry out an inspection of your home to see if there could be any other contributing factors
For further information please read our Condensation and mould guide