Landlord self serve
Landlords can now view details of claims for which they are receiving direct payment of housing benefit, including the facility to provide payments and claim entitlement details for individual claims and landlord accounts.
You can also notify us of a change in circumstances for a claim.
Before logging into landlord self serve, download the user guide Landlord Self Serve User Guide (PDF, 270KB)
If you require login details to the new landlord portal please email revenues & benefits
Let us know about changes to your tenants
You can now report a change in tenant for council tax using our online form.
Landlord notification of change in tenant for council tax
Housing benefit payments
Housing benefit is normally paid every four weeks in arrears.
View the Housing benefit payment dates
We may pay housing benefit directly to you if your tenant is classed as vulnerable.
If your tenant is more than 8 weeks in arrears you can ask us to pay until the arrears fall under 8 weeks. To make this request you can email revenues & benefits. Please ensure that you include any relevant information to support the request.
We can only discuss a tenant's housing benefit with you if they have given us permission to do so. This can be done by completing this form: