How are we doing?
The housing service monitors its performance against a set of key performance indicators (KPIs) that we publish on a quarterly basis.
We aim to deliver the highest possible levels of service, putting tenants at the heart of everything we do. A dedicated panel of tenants scrutinise our performance throughout the year, to ensure we are delivering what we say we will, and meeting targets wherever possible.
The following is a summary of our performance over the 2022-23 financial year (April 2022 to March 2023). Latest KPI reports can be viewed at the bottom of this page.
Improving tenants' homes
The Regulator of Social Housing’s Home Standard says it expects us to provide tenants with a good quality home and to offer value for money with our repairs and maintenance service.
Over the past year we spent £5.7 million on work to improve tenants’ homes, and at 31 March 2023, 97% of our homes met the Decent Homes Standard.
Building Safety
We monitor all required aspects of tenant health and safety compliance on an ongoing basis. We aim to ensure we are compliant in every aspect of building safety, carrying out all necessary checks when (or before) they are due. Of the six main FLEGAL (Fire, Legionella, Electric, Gas, Asbestos & Lifts) areas, we were on, or close to target (100%) on all but Lifts at 31 March 2023.
We completed 96% of all day-to-day repairs on time last year and kept 97% of repair appointments with tenants. 88% of tenants were also satisfied with their most recent repair, according to post-repair surveys conducted by our main repairs contractor.
Managing our tenancies
The Regulator of Social Housing’s Tenancy Standard says it expects us to let our homes fairly, transparently and efficiently. Last year we re-let 175 homes, with an average re-let time of 25 days (standard re-let time, excluding major works).
We collected 98.9% of all rent due for the year, meeting targets for rent collection and current tenant arrears. This will help ensure we have enough income to support our ambitious capital improvement programme (£9.5M budgeted for 2023/24) and maintain our current levels of service to tenants.
Involving and empowering tenants
The Regulator of Social Housing’s Tenant Involvement and Empowerment Standard deals with customer service and complaints, tenant rights and involvement.
In 2022-23 we responded to 79 complaints through our formal complaints process, 96% responded to within published timescales. We also received over 10,000 calls from tenants, with 97.5% of these answered (calls ‘served’).
Our latest performance reports can be found below.
View the Housing KPI Report Q2 2024-25 (PDF, 344KB)
View the Housing KPI Report Q1 2024-25 (PDF, 322KB)
View the Housing KPI Report Q4 2023-24 (PDF, 405KB)
View the Housing KPI Report Q3 2023-24 (PDF, 608KB)
View the Housing KPI Report Q2 2023-24 (PDF, 256KB)