Tenants and leaseholders satisfaction survey

More than 680 residents took part in our tenant and leaseholder survey, which was sent to all of our tenants between May and August 2023.

The survey was based around the Regulator of Social Housing’s Tenant Satisfaction Measures, which all social landlords are required to collect data for and report to the Regulator.

Here are the key results:

Survey questions 2023 0% change from 2022
Overall satisfaction 71% +3%
Satisfaction with repairs 72% +4%
Satisfaction with time taken to complete most recent repair 66% +5%
Satisfaction that the home is well maintained 70% +5%
Satisfaction that the home is safe 78% +13%
Satisfaction that the landlord listens to tenant views and acts upon them 55% +6%
Satisfaction that the landlord keeps tenants informed about things that matter to them 71% +9%
Agreement that the landlord treats tenants fairly and with respect 72% +4%
Satisfaction with the landlord’s approach to handling complaints 34% -16%
Satisfaction that the landlord keeps communal areas clean and well maintained 70% 0%
Satisfaction that the landlord makes a positive contribution to neighbourhoods 59% +11%
Satisfaction with the landlord’s approach to handling anti-social behaviour 54% +3%

Action plan

We have looked at all of the survey results, together with the Strategic Tenant Advisory Panel, to create an action plan of what is being done this year to make our housing service the best it can be. The action plan includes:


  • Reviewing all the comments received, to highlight whether there are any specific issues in certain areas and/or for certain types of repair
  • Exploring the best ways of raising tenant awareness of health and safety work the council does


  • Reminding residents what is, and isn’t, classed as a complaint, and of the council’s target time for responding to complaints
  • Exploring how to improve how the council can learn from complaints
  • Conducting a Tenant Scrutiny Panel review of complaints

Neighbourhood management

  • Advertising cleaning contract standards once the new contract begins
  • Reviewing how best to promote work the council does to improve neighbourhoods

Anti-social behaviour

  • Reminding residents what is, and isn’t, classed as anti-social behaviour, and what the council is, and isn’t, able to do
  • Conducting a Tenant Scrutiny Panel review of anti-social behaviour

If you would like to read the full report on the survey results please email tenant.involvement@folkestone-hythe.gov.uk or write to the Tenant Liaison Officer at the council, and we will send a copy out to you.

Would you like to get more involved in your housing service?

Carrying out this survey is just part of the work we do to involve tenants and leaseholders in developing the way we work. If you would like to get more involved in our housing service, perhaps by taking part in more surveys like this, or joining the Strategic Tenant Advisory Panel, please email tenant.involvement@folkestone-hythe.gov.uk or write to the Tenant Liaison Officer at the council and we'll get back to you to let you know more information.