Parking accounts

The number of parking spaces managed by us, and the amount of income and expenditure generated by parking.

Total managed parking spaces

2023/24 Chargeable Non-chargeable
Off-street 1973 274
On-street 578 550

Parking Accounts 2023-24 (XLSX, 16KB)

Parking Accounts 2023-24 (PDF, 71KB)

  1. income from off-street charges goes into our general fund and is not ring-fenced
  2. under Section 55 of the Road Traffic Regulations Act 1984 (as amended)  if we realise a surplus on on-street charges and on- and off-street enforcement, this must be used for one or more of the purposes set out in that section. Any surplus for the financial year 2023/24 will be used to make good to the general fund of any amount charged to that fund in relation to parking in the preceding four years.