
Governance ensures that we do the right things, in the right way.

Defining governance

Ensuring we're doing the right things in the right way, for the right people, in an open, honest, inclusive and timely manner.

To achieve this we follow our Code of Corporate Governance, containing processes that show:

  • how we make decisions
  • whether Council Tax payers are getting value for money
  • how far we're meeting our own standards of governance

 Code of Corporate Governance (PDF,359.23KB)

Everyone must comply with the Code of Governance

The people particularly responsible for delivering it are:

  • the leader and chief executive
  • cabinet members
  • the audit and standards committee

See how we're doing

Every year, we review how well we're performing and produce an Annual Governance Statement. We use internal and external reviewers to:

  • check that we have the right governance arrangements in place, and that they're effective
  • report any areas that aren't working so well, and suggest how we can improve them

Annual Governance Statement 2022-23 (PDF,989KB)