General advice and guidance

We work with partner organisations to prepare and maintain emergency plans, guidance documents and other related information

During an emergency, we and other organisations will strive to support all members of our community.  However, there are actions you can take to help keep yourself and your family safe until help arrives.

What should you do in an emergency?

  • Keep calm
  • Reassure others
  • Think before acting
  • Help yourself before helping others
  • Check for injuries
  • If people are injured or in danger dial 999 and report the situation, and follow the advice you're given
  • Stay informed via local radio and TV

Please download the guide 'What should I do in an emergency' (PDF 2.3MB) which gives you general advice and information on different types of emergencies that may occur and how you can best prepare, and actions to follow.

Useful links

GOV.UK: Emergency planning

Kent Resilience forum

KCC: Emergency planning