Information on what to do if you experience a power or water cut.
What to do in a power cut
If you're experiencing a power cut phone 105. It's free of charge and will put you through to your local network operator who will give you help and advice
Anyone experiencing a power cut should:
- call 105 to report power cuts and damage to the electricity network or 0800 3163 105 (from a corded phone or mobile phone if you have no power)
- visit the UK Power Networks website
- type in your postcode on the UK Power Networks live power cut map
- tweet @ukpowernetworks to report a power cut or to receive updates
On calling 105 this will enable you to report or get information about power cuts as well as report damage to electricity power lines and substations that could put you, or someone else, in danger. If you see electricity lines that are causing significant risk to the public you should call 999 immediately.
What to do if your water supply is cut off
If your water supply fails or if your whole area has lost its water, your supplier has to provide alternative sources. This could be bottled water, stand-pipes or tankers. Ring your supplier's emergency line for information.
Useful links
Visit Power cut 105