A register of gifts and hospitalities of Councillors and senior leadership.
Declarations of gifts and hospitalities
The spreadsheet below lists all declarations of gifts and hospitality for both elected Members and senior officers since 1 May 2019.
Elected Members
Elected Members are required, before the end of 28 days beginning with the day of receipt/acceptance, notify the Monitoring Officer of any gift, benefit or hospitality with an estimated value of £100 or more, or a series of gifts, benefits and hospitality from the same or an associated source, with an estimated cumulative value of £100 or more, which are received and accepted by him/her (in any one calendar year) in the conduct of the business of the Authority, the business of the office to which he/she has been elected or appointed or when he/she are acting as representative of the Authority. The member must also register the source of the gift, benefit or hospitality. Further information is set out within part 9 of the constitution.
Senior officers
All offers of gifts and hospitality (except those regarded as exceptions for gifts and a modest level of hospitality, as set out in part 8 of the constitution) offered to staff must be declared recording:
• The name of the person or body making the offer;
• The name of the member of staff to whom the offer was made;
• The nature of the offer eg gift or hospitality offered and in what circumstances;
• The action taken by the member of staff concerned; and
• The action taken by the corporate director.