Council tax financial information for 2023 to 2024

Expenditure and income information

Expenditure and income breakdown
Type Expenditure
Net Expenditure
Net Expenditure
                                                     2023/24                              2024/25
General fund services  67,966 -48,182 19,783 65,024 -46,739 18,285
HRA 21,080 -18,927 2153 21,525 -17,465 4061
Other operating Exp and Inc 14,094 -18,423 -4329 14,585 -16,229


Use of reserves and balances  200 -6319 -6119 945 -10,714 -9769
Parish precepts 2801 0 2801 2659 0 2659
Council tax requirement  106,141 -91,852 14,290 104,739 -91,147 13,592