The Folkestone - A Brighter Future project

Ambitious plans to create a sustainable and vibrant future for Folkestone town centre are moving forward.

The Folkestone – A Brighter Future project will address three of the six priorities which emerged from the Place Plan. The Folkestone Place Plan was developed with extensive engagement in 2020 and the Folkestone – A Brighter Future project will address some of the priority projects identified to realise our future vision for the town. Thanks to a successful F&HDC bid to government the project will use just under £20 million of funding transform Folkestone town centre. Extensive public engagement was done around the changes with many design alterations being made as a result of feedback received.

The Folkestone - A Brighter Future project has a number of components.  It includes significant improvements to the road system around Folkestone Central rail station and better signage and improved links to the town centre for pedestrians and cyclists.

It will also bring changes to the road network in the town centre area to address the legacy from when the roads served Folkestone well when it was a port town which are no longer appropriate.

Further improvements include a change to two-way traffic along Middelburg Square north and the removal of some of the road network along Shellons Street, to create a single two-way highway with more pedestrian crossings.  These measures will all help to reduce traffic speeds around the town and create a much more pleasant pedestrian-friendly environment.

'Green heart' plan

The current bus station in Bouverie Square is to be replaced with a new park that will create a new 'green heart' for the town. The area can be used for events or simply for residents and visitors to enjoy the new greenery.

Bus station provision will be replaced by bus stops along Middelburg Square where there will be more space for bus users and better access into the town. New greenery and improved public realm will be brought to Sandgate Road and Guildhall Street, making the town centre a much more inviting and pleasant place.

The new linear layout of the bus station will actually improve pedestrian safety as it will greatly reduce the need for pedestrians to cross the carriageway between buses as they do in the current bus station. In addition, the removal of the one-way system will limit the flow of traffic along the southern side of Middelburg square where the new bus stops will be located.

The new bus station will also better accommodate people with additional accessibility needs as the linear design accommodates newer, larger buses and allows the buses to get closer to the kerb reducing the gap that bus users need to navigate when boarding.

View our bid for levelling up funding (PDF, 315KB).

Sandgate digital urban image

Detailed changes on the ground

Below is a high-level summary of improvements and interventions being delivered by Folkestone - A Brighter Future project. Traffic modelling has been undertake by consultants to test the impact of highway changes on journey times.  View the results of the traffic modelling (PDF, 424KB).

Public realm

  • Live bus timetable
  • Live bus timetable per new stop (RTI)
  • Suds Cheriton Road
  • New greenscaping scheme Forester’s Way
  • New “green heart” Bouverie Sq.
  • New planting scheme pedestrianised area Sandgate Rd./Guildhall St.
  • Deep clean of pedestrianised cobbles

New Crossings

  • Radnor roundabout x 2 (controlled)
  • Station approach x 1 (controlled)
  • Shorncliffe Rd (near Cheriton Rd)
  • Cheriton Rd junction with Middelburg Sq x 1 (controlled with raised table)
  • Middelburg Sq. North x 1 (controlled with raised table)
  • Foresters Way, near Alford Bros. x 1 (controlled with raised table)

Improved Crossings

  • Cheriton Road junction with Shorncliffe Rd and Cheriton Gardens x1
  • Shellons St x 1 (controlled with raised table)
  • Middelburg Sq. South x 1 (controlled with raised table)

Other Highway

  • Subway infill Middelburg Sq. x 2
  • Middelburg Sq. North – two-way traffic flow
  • Linear bus stops Middelburg Sq x 5 South and x 1 North (green roof shelters)
  • New footbridge from Guildhall St. North
  • 20mph scheme (see image below)

20mph proposed scheme

Map of 20 mph proposed scheme