Place plan priorities and progress

The Place Plan identifies six 'missions' for tackling Folkestone's 'Grand Challenge' and creating a town centre fit for the future.

These missions include celebrating what is good, a town centre for the future, a place for all voices, moving sustainably, accessing opportunity and delivering sustainable quality. Sustainability is at the heart of the Place Plan, alongside improvements to transport and movement in the town centre. Sites and buildings that can be re-purposed or redeveloped are also identified in the plan.

View the Folkestone priority projects engagement boards (PDF, 2.92MB)

The six key priorities for the Place Plan are:

1.   Station Arrival and Town Centre Connections: the Folkestone Central rail station arrival and town centre connections

  • Community Garden at the disused platform
  • Improved pedestrian space outside station
  • Mobility hub alongside train station: potential to include cycle hire/ electric cycles
  • Secure cycle storage facility
  • Wayfinding at strategic junctions
  • More pedestrian space to activate the public realm
  • Overhaul of the legacy highway system: Cheriton Gardens & Cheriton Road, redesign of junction to enable all directions of travel from this point
  • New 'skate route' to the town centre via Broadmead Road and the Ship Street site

2.  Sandgate Road and Town Centre Public Realm: the pedestrianised areas of the town centre and the service streets behind them

  • Look to activate rear elevations of retail units
  • Look to improve back streets as pedestrian routes
  • Planting and rain gardens to provide sustainable drainage and green amenity
  • Bring forward new commercial uses, in addition to Health Centre, for Folca
  • Upgrades to Guildhall Street and improved market offer
  • 'Town Lab': Folkestone Town Centre as a 'lab' to test and experiment new ideas, e.g. smaller, more flexible units, community uses, flexible workspace
  • Skateable features to attract F51 visitors into the town centre
  • Market improvement programme
  • Public realm and signage to better frame and celebrate the Guildhall building
  • Cinema/museum/town council signage

3.   F51 Environs and Payers Park: the area around the new skate park F51 and Payers Park

  • Redesign of road layout to improve all modes of travel and movement
  • New public space by F51
  • Consider opening up Pent Stream
  • Look at wider parking provision and consider re-appropriating some parking spaces to public realm
  • Hub of potential uses around Payers Park
  • Create a pedestrian friendly space at Mill Bay as a link between F51 and the Old High Street area
  • New learning space for visual/creative arts

4.  Harbour Line & Tram Road: bringing forward the Harbour Line and reconfiguring Tram Road

  • Public realm upgrades to Harbour Street and exploring options for Tram Road car park to become a key public space
  • Reconsider layout of public space to accommodate pedestrian routes and programmed events
  • Potential new development with space at ground floor for commercial or cultural uses
  • New car park to relocate parking facility from Harbour Street
  • Harbour Line/ Tram Road improvements, including shared cycle and walkway, seating, play features and interpretation boards

5. Sunny Sands: improving use and accessibility of Sunny Sands

  • Improved facilities for watersports including Changing Spaces toilet
  • Introduce kiosk facility into pumphouse building
  • Refurbish disabled toilet
  • Explore feasibility for a tidal pool

6.  Improved Gateway to the Town Centre and Bouverie Square: the area around Middelburg Square, Bouverie Square and Shellons Street as a gateway into the town centre

  • Redesign of road layout to improve all modes of travel and movement
  • Improved gateway to the town centre including a new bus station layout
  • Repurposed bus station building and relocated bus driver facilities
  • Reinstating Bouverie Square as an arrival space and focal point
  • Rain gardens and sustainable urban drainage
  • Mobility Hub with cycle hire and storage
  • Play equipment
  • New building to frame the eastern edge of the square
  • Public realm improvements and crossings along Shellons Street

Priorities addressed through Folkestone – A Brighter Future

Our bid to the Levelling Up Fund focussed on three of these six priority projects - the central station arrival and town centre connections; making a welcoming gateway into the town centre, including moving the bus station and creating a park in Bouverie Square and improvements around Sandgate Road and Guildhall Street.  

This bid for funding was successful and the Folkestone – A Brighter Future project is underway. Find out more about the project and the transformational changes it will deliver on our dedicated Folkestone - A brighter future pages.

Documents and presentations relating to the place plan project are available to download.