Town centre activation

Breathing new life into Folkestone Town Centre

Our project, ‘Folkestone – A Brighter Future’ is set to physically transform Folkestone Town Centre thanks to the council’s successful bid for £20m of the Levelling Up fund.

We’re not just aiming to improve the physical look of the area, work is also underway to bring vibrancy to the pedestrianised shopping areas of Sandgate Road and Guildhall Street.

To breathe new life into the town a small number of diverse pilot activities will take place in 2024. We want to test out what works best whilst celebrating the cultural richness and unique identity of the town. Our priority is to support local businesses by encouraging people to stay longer in the area and boosting footfall.

As part of these proposed activities, we are looking for local organisations to co-produce events with us. The hope is that these events are both successful and sustainable bringing vibrancy to the area for years to come.

What events would you like to see in the town centre?

We’re assembling a group of people to help us evaluate our initial proposed mix of community focused, food and creative markets and events.

Key stakeholders will be contacted directly but we’re looking for three residents to complete the group. We’re looking for different perspectives and particularly a younger viewpoint too so please let us know if you are between 18 – 25.  If you’re keen to share your thoughts on what activities should take place in the town centre please email:

Activities will take place between June and September this year and full details of events will be confirmed on this page in due course.