Gambling premises licence variation

You can apply to make changes to your gambling premises licence, for example, to add, amend or remove conditions, to change the permitted hours or change layout of the premises.

How much does it cost?

The fee depends on the type of premises.

Gambling premises licence variation fees

Licence Fee
Adult Gaming Centre £1,000
Family Entertainment Centre £1,000
Betting (Tracks) £1,250
Betting (Other) £1,500
Bingo Premises £1,750
Small Casino £4,000
Large Casino £5,000
Regional Casino £7,500


How to apply

You will need to:

  • log into your MyAccount (or create an account if you don't already have one) to complete the form. MyAccount is an easier and quicker way to interact with us and is available 24/7
  • complete the application form
  • upload supporting documentation
  • pay the appropriate fee

Vary a gambling premises licence

Advertising your application

You will need to:

What happens next?

If there are no representations at the end of the 28 day representation period, we will issue your licence within 5 working days.

If there are representations, the Licensing Subcommittee will hold a hearing at which all parties will be invited to attend. At the hearing, the committee will decide whether to grant or reject your application.

We will write to confirm the decision and tell you what you can do if you wish to appeal.