The council's gender pay gap information

Average gender pay gap

The average gender pay gap is expressed as a percentage of men's earnings. A positive percentage figure shows that, typically or overall, men are paid more. A negative pay gap indicates that women are paid more.

Gender pay gap as a mean average

Gender Mean average hourly rate of pay Gender pay gap
Female £17.98 1.69%
Male £18.29

The mean average gender pay gap that we reported last year was 2.44%

The mean average is useful because it takes into account the low and high earners and gives a good overall indication of the gender pay gap. However, very large or small rates of pay can dominate and distort the calculation.

Gender pay gap as a median average

Gender Median average hourly rate of pay Gender pay gap
Female £16.40 0%
Male £16.40

The median average gender pay gap that we reported last year was -2.23%

By identifying the wage of the middle earner, the median is considered the best representation of the typical gender difference.

Bonus gender pay gap

The bonus pay gap calculation includes all bonus payments made between 1 April 2022 and 31 March 2023. 

Our Pay Policy has no provision for bonus payments and the council does not operate any performance related pay or bonus scheme. However, the Corporate Leadership Team may consider and agree a one-off discretionary honorarium payment to employees that demonstrate an exceptional level of performance or where it will support recruitment and retention in specific hard to fill roles. Such payments, while extraordinary and therefore infrequent, have been determined as meeting the definition of bonus pay under gender pay gap legislation. 

During the period between 1st April 2022 and 31st March 2023, 11 staff (3 men and 8 women) received a one-off payment.

The proportion of men and women receiving bonuses: 1.56% of male employees received a one-off payment when compared to 2.89% of female employees.

  • Average bonus gender pay gap as a mean average: -202.50%

The mean average one-off honorarium payment made to females in the period was £1,512.50 . The average payment to males was £500.

  • Average bonus gender pay gap as a median average: 50%

The median one-off honorarium payment made to females in the period was £250. The median payment to males was £500.

Proportion of male and female staff in quartile pay bands

The table below shows the proportion of male and female members of staff when divided into four equal sections based on their hourly rate of pay.

  • the lower quartile represents the lowest paid 25% of staff
  • the upper quartile contains the highest paid 25%

Proportion of men and women in each quartile band