We are required to publish calculations that display and help explain any gender pay gap.
Data period
The salary data is based on the mandatory snapshot date of 31 March 2023.
This information will be updated annually.
Difference to equal pay
The gender pay gap is different to equal pay:
- the gender pay gap shows the difference in the average pay of men and women
- equal pay relates to men and women receiving equal pay for equal work, which has been a legal requirement for nearly 50 years
Commitment to equality and diversity in the workplace
We are, of course, committed to equality and diversity. Policies and procedures are in place to ensure we pay employees fairly and equally.
Our job evaluation process means that an employee's pay grade is determined by the job undertaken. There is no reference to gender or any other personal characteristics of the current or potential post holder when considering pay grade. This system ensures the same pay grade, and therefore salary, is paid to roles of equal value.
Information on our commitment to equality and diversity
Further information
All businesses with over 250 employees need to publish their gender pay gap data.
This data can be viewed on GOV.UK.