Support for job seekers

Useful information for job seekers including wellbeing, financial and educational support.

Wellbeing Support

  • Folkestone & District Mind: To promote better mental health & wellbeing.  Provides wellbeing programme, courses & suicide prevention
  • Live Well Kent: Kent residents over the age of 17 with mental & physical health.  Provides health & fitness advice, support with financial pressure & relationship stress
  • Mental Health Matters: (also known as Release The Pressure): Nationwide charity providing a wide range of support for those with mental health needs
  • NHS mental health services: Find mental health services for urgent help, stress & anxiety, addiction, eating disorders and relationship counselling. A self-help app called My Possible Self is also available, while Every Mind Matters is also run by the NHS.
  • Samaritans: Phone line for anyone to talk to who is going through a crisis or is feeling suicidal

Financial support

We offer a range of services relating to financial support.

If you are struggling with your Council Tax you may be entitled to a reduction through the Council Tax Reduction scheme if you are on a low household income and you have savings of less than £16,000.

If you need help with your rent and you are working age you should apply for Universal Credit.

You can also use our benefit and budgeting calculator and learn about other support available.

Educational support

East Kent College runs Employability courses teaching skills necessary for today's job market. The East Kent College website also includes information about retraining courses, access to CV writing masterclasses and job interview technique workshops.