Helping people who are rough sleeping

We work with local agencies to reduce the number of people sleeping rough within the district. If you are concerned about a person sleeping rough please contact the following:


Freephone: 0300 365 7699 (weekdays 10am - 12pm and 2pm - 4pm)

Porchlight is a Kent-based charity helping homeless people.


StreetLink is the national referral agency for reporting rough sleepers.

Housing Options Team

Tel: 01303 853000 (weekdays 9am – 4pm)

The council’s Housing Options Team provide help and advice for homeless people. When there is severe weather, the team operates the Severe Weather Emergency Protocol to assist rough sleepers.

Rainbow Centre

Tel: 01303 850733 (weekdays 10am – 1pm)

The Rainbow Centre is a local charity providing services for homeless people.