Social and affordable housing

What you need to know and how to apply for housing

To make an application for council or housing association owned properties within the Folkestone & Hythe district you will need to complete our application form.

Applying for the Folkestone & Hythe housing list

Eligibility criteria

To apply for the Folkestone & Hythe housing list you have to meet one of the following local connection criteria:

  • currently live in the district and have continuously for the past 2 years or 3 years out of the last 5 years
  • work in the district for the last 6 months for 16 hours per week or more, in permanent employment (not casual)
  • have close family members who currently live here and have for the last 5 years (parents, brother, sister or children) over the age of 18 years
  • are currently or have served in the armed forces within the last 5 years immediately preceding your application


  • have a housing need that you cannot meet from your own resources, or
  • if your current home does not meet our housing requirements

Complete application for housing

If you have been asked to provide evidence of local connection complete this form

Provide evidence of local connection

Sensitive lettings

Occasionally a property becomes available for letting that is particularly sensitive, for example the frailty and vulnerability of neighbours.

Where a sensitive letting is required, the tenancy will not be offered to the prospective tenant until it is confirmed that neither they nor any member of their household who will be living with them have:

  • a serious history of anti-social behaviour or nuisance
  • a serious history of relevant criminal behaviour
  • not caused serious housing management problems in previous accommodation, including bed and breakfast or temporary accommodation

In these circumstances applicants will have to provide evidence of all of their tenancy history within the last 5 years prior to the allocation of a property.

Applying for a transfer?

If your current home no longer meets your housing needs and you wish to transfer within the Folkestone & Hythe district you should also complete the online housing application using the button above.

Need help?

If for any reason you are unable to complete the form online email housing or phone 01303 853300

Demand for housing in the district

Please note there are around 1,500 applicants on the housing list but only approximately 300 homes become available each year. This means that you could face a long wait before being successful in receiving an offer of accommodation suitable for your needs; unfortunately some people may never receive an offer.

What happens next?

We will assess your application when you have completed the online application form and supplied all relevant information requested. We are sorry that we are currently experiencing a backlog in applications, due to a change in the system, but we are working through these in date order and will respond to you as quickly as we can.

Proof of identity and supporting information

Proof of identity

  • For each named applicant photographic identification, for example, a valid passport or photo driving licence

Proof of income salary or wage slips for the past three months

  • Proof of any income-related benefits received, for example, income support Statements from all bank and savings accounts for the past three months

If you have children living with you

  • Birth certificate for each child, and
  • Proof of receipt of child benefit or child tax credits

If you have access to children that do not live with you full time

  • Residence Order if available, or
  • Letter from the child's full time carer detailing the access arrangements, including the frequency of visits, the length of time they have been in place, and any future arrangements.

If you own, or have ever owned, a property

  • Current mortgage statement and recent valuation of the property
  • Confirmation of the amount received from the sale or transfer of the property

EEA Nationals, but not UK citizens

  • Valid passport for each household member
  • Evidence of at least one years completed employment in the UK prior to May 2011
  • Evidence of any employment since May 2011, for example a wage slip or P60
  • Any other evidence that proves you are eligible for social housing

Non-EEA Nationals

  • Valid passport for each household member
  • Proof of indefinite leave to remain
  • Any other evidence that proves you are eligible for social housing.

No fixed abode

  • If you have no fixed address please provide either a contact address and a letter from the person at that address giving their consent for correspondence to be sent there, or an email address.

Medical Conditions

If you or a member of your household have medical problems and this is made worse because of your current living accommodation please complete the Health Section of the online form.

We aim to carry out this assessment, once all medical supporting information required has been submitted, within 40 working days. We will write to you again confirming if any additional banding has been awarded to your application. 

If  you are accepted onto the housing list

You will receive the following notification:

  • Kent Homechoice number
  • Band 
  • Band reason
  • Registration/Priority date

How do we allocate vacant properties?

If you wish to know more about how we allocate properties that are vacant or becoming vacant within the district this is set out in our Housing Allocation Policy.

Please see our Housing Allocations Policy (PDF, 769KB).