If your business involves acupuncture, tattooing, cosmetic piercing, semi-permanent skin colouring (e.g. microblading) or electrolysis you must get registered before you start trading.
The business proprietor must register the premises to be used and include any person carrying out treatments onsite. Individual persons carrying out treatments are not registered.
Registration does not apply to acupuncture carried out by or under the supervision of a dentist, or to any activities carried out by a GMC registered medical practitioner at their premises.
How much it costs
Application | Fee |
Acupuncture, electrolysis, semi-permanent skin colouring, or cosmetic piercing | £234.20 |
Tattooing Registration | £373.40 |
Updates to a registration | £129.50 |
The registration does not expire.
How to apply
Complete and return the application form with payment to the address shown on the form. The form will allow your premises and any persons carrying out treatments there.
Apply to register for acupuncture, tattooing, electrolysis or ear piercing
View the Acupuncture, tattooing, cosmetic piercing, electrolysis and semi-permanent dye byelaw
You can also pay by credit or debit card by phoning us on 01303 853660.
What happens next?
After reviewing the application we will aim to organise an inspection of the premises in 10 working days.
We will inspect your premises to make sure it meets our byelaws and that treatments are carried out hygienically.
Let us know about any changes
Keep your registration up to date so it stays valid.
Complete and return the form below to inform us of any changes for example, a new member of staff or new activities.
Tattooing, acupuncture, cosmetic piercing and electrolysis update(s) to registration