Designated Premises Supervisor (DPS) on a premises licence variation

If you are the Premises Licence holder or an agent working on behalf of the Premises Licence holder, you can apply to change the person named as the DPS on a premises licence.

Before you start

The person to be named as the DPS must:

  • Hold a personal licence
  • Give their written consent to be named as the DPS

How much does it cost?


How to apply

  • log into your MyAccount (or create an account if you don't already have one) to complete the form. MyAccount is an easier and quicker way to interact with us and is available 24/7
  • You will need your licence number (eg LC202101-12345)
  • Personal licence number of the named DPS
  • complete the appropriate form
  • the Consent to be Designated Premises Supervisor can be uploaded via the form
  • pay the appropriate fee

Application for Variation of the DPS

Download the consent to be Designated Premises Supervisor form.

What happens next?

If there are no representations from the Police, we will issue an amended licence.

If the Police make representations, the matter will be heard by a licensing sub-committee who will decide whether to grant or refuse the application.

We will notify you, the police and the proposed DPS of the outcome. We will explain how you can appeal if you disagree with the decision.