Folkestone Levelling Up - Public engagement March 2024

Phase three public engagement

Proposals for this phase include improvements to Guildhall Street and the pedestrianised area of Sandgate Road. Updated plans for Bouverie Square (the current bus station) have been refined based on the feedback provided by the community at our last event in November 2023.

Along Guildhall Street and Sandgate Road, additional planting and rain gardens are proposed, as well as designated areas that could be used for market stalls and events. The intention is to make good the cobblestones and generally improve the look and feel of the market area for traders and consumers alike.

Detailed designs for phase one of the project are also included, showing the changes from Station Approach down Cheriton Road and onto Middelburg Square.

Updated proposals for Shellons Street, as result of feedback from our phase two public engagement events, are included. And for the first time, you can see the project area in its entirety and give your views on how the scheme flows.   

To help you envisage how this might look, we have once again created the area digitally. For those of you who could not join us at our public engagement event in early March and take ride on the magic carpet yourselves, you can see the journey remotely. See the fly-through video below and the link to the public engagement boards which were on display at the town hall in March for all the details.

Levelling up fund display boards (PDF, 5.87MB)

Responses to phase three engagement feedback

Thanks to everyone who engaged with us in March/April 2024, either online or at the public engagement event at Folkestone Town Hall. Your views and comments help us understand if you think this project is going in the right direction and what needs to change. Your feedback so far has been essential in refining the scheme to make it work better for the community.

The proposals will bring about positive benefits to the town, but we realise that not everyone will be in favour of what is decided. Our engagement events help us understand the areas that are most liked, and those which are least liked, and we can reflect this feedback in the final designs.

We’ve included some of the feedback on the different elements of the scheme in the document below. We’ve also included what things we’ve changed because of your feedback, or reasons why we haven’t done other things.

Phase three engagement results and responses (PDF, 2.03MB)

If you have any further feedback or questions, please get in touch by emailing

Responses to feedback from previous phases

Thanks to everyone who engaged with us in July and November 2023, either online or at the public engagement events at Bouverie House Business Centre. Your views and comments help us understand if you think this project is going in the right direction and what needs to change. Your feedback so far has been essential in refining the scheme to make it work better for the community.

Feedback and our responses from November 2023 (phase two)

Feedback and responses from our July 2023 events (phase one)