Driving down carbon footprint

Published: 28 June 2023

An image taken in front of the Civic Centre EV charging points with councillors

A cross-partnership project that has brought electric vehicle charging points to locations across Kent has been celebrated in Folkestone.

More than 100 points have been installed in 26 of Folkestone & Hythe’s car parks as part of ‘Kent 600’, an initiative to create a better network for electric cars and encourage more people to take up the green option.

Representatives from Kent County Council and Connected Kerb one of the UK’s biggest providers of EV charging points, attended an event at the Civic Centre yesterday (28 June) to celebrate the achievements of the scheme.

Cllr Polly Blakemore – Cabinet Member for Transport, Regulatory Services and Building Control – said: “It’s fantastic that we now have a network of electric vehicle charging points available in car parks across the district.

“This is all about building motorists’ confidence in moving over to a more sustainable way of getting about.”

Folkestone & Hythe District Council partnered with Kent County Council (KCC) and five other local authorities for the roll out. The charging points offer a mixture of fast 7Kwh and 22Kwh depending on the location.

Cllr David Brazier, KCC Cabinet Member for Highways and Transport, added: “So far, the Kent EV Charge Point Network partnership has installed almost 200 electric vehicle charging points, with more than 100 more still to come online.

“In order to realise our goal of becoming a Net Zero county by 2050, we need to make it easier for people to pick more sustainable ways of getting around.

“We are looking forward to working with anyone who wants to make it easier for residents, businesses and public transport providers to switch to electric vehicles.”

A total of 600 points will be installed across the county funded by Connected Kerb and central government grant with a revenue share coming back to the local authority.

Connected Kerb CEO Chris Pateman-Jones said: “It is essential that EV drivers in Folkestone and Hythe who do not have access to off-street parking have a reliable, affordable and accessible charging network to charge their vehicles.

“This project will not only encourage greater EV uptake among local residents but also boost local air quality which is really important in tackling the effects of climate change.”

A full list of the electric vehicles points in Folkestone & Hythe can be found on the council website.

Pictured above left to right are: Folkestone & Hythe District Council councillors Stephen Scoffman and Polly Blakemore. Tonbridge and Malling Borough Council councillor Robin Betts and Kent County Council councillor David Brazier.