Find the paw-fect places for your pup

Published: 2 August 2023

An image showing a dogs on lead stencil

Dog owners in the district are being encouraged to discover the best places for their pets to walk, woof and wag this summer.

The ‘Dog’s Guide to the District’ campaign puts all the information dog owners need in one place to make sure they and their pooch have a paw-fect time exploring everything our wonderful district has to offer.

Although there are restrictions in place on some beaches, the campaign emphasises that there are still plenty of dog friendly places in the Folkestone and Hythe district where pooches can feel the sand under their paws and these can be found by viewing a map on the council website.

Temporary stencils using eco-friendly paint are being used to remind dog owners where they can walk their dogs. The stencils are due to be in place during the period up to September when the restrictions are lifted.

Cllr Polly Blakemore Cabinet Member for Transport, Regulatory Services and Building Control said “As a dog owner myself, I know how much our district has to offer. Although seasonal restrictions are in place, there is still an abundance of coastline and countryside we can enjoy with our dogs this summer.”

“The 'Dog’s Guide to the District’ campaign urges dog owners to be responsible this summer and enjoy beaches considerately to ensure a safe and fun summer for all.”

For more details about the campaign including top tips for top dogs and how to report dog fouling issues visit our website.