Channelling district's help for Ukraine

Published: 3 March 2022

An image of the Ukraine flag

Folkestone & Hythe District Council has pledged to support local organisations trying to help those caught up in the conflict in Ukraine.

The council is working to establish links with any groups in the district which are collecting donations of  items to help those Ukrainians fleeing their homes or stuck in cities at the centre of the fighting.

These links will be published here on the council website and organisations can post their collections by adding to the council's Facebook post.

Whilst these links are being established any residents wanting to help are urged to support the national charities channelling donations of money to where it is most needed.

Cllr Jenny Hollingsbee, Cabinet Member for Communities, said: "The horror that is unfolding in the Ukraine has prompted many people to offer help in whatever way they can.

"As a council we want to help channel that help in the best direction possible. We were able to do this for our residents when the pandemic began and took hold - we now want to do what we can for the people of Ukraine."

Charities making appeals for money include:

For more information on the government's help for people in Ukraine visit

The council has also joined a European-wide condemnation of the attacks on Ukraine.

Cllr David Monk is among local government leaders and councillors who have signed a statement from the Council of European Municipalities and Regions condemning the violations of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine.

Date published: 3 March 2022