Call out for community interest in buying library building

Published: 13 March 2025

An image of Grace Hill Folkestone Library

Community organisations have been invited to “express interest” in purchasing the former library building in Grace Hill, Folkestone.

The listed property was declared an Asset of Community Value in 2023 by Folkestone & Hythe District Council. As such, the landowner – Kent County Council – is obliged to make sure that community groups are first given the option to buy if it is put up for sale.

The type of organisations eligible to bid are set out in legislation (Localism Act 2011) and have until 18 April 2025 to make their interest known.

The role of the district council when notice is given of the sale of an Asset of Community Value is to advertise the intention to sell, receive any notifications of interest and forward them to the landowner.

After notification of interest, an organisation has six months to raise funds for the purchase before a landowner can proceed with putting a property on the open market. There is no obligation on a landowner to sell a site to any particular bidder.

Notifications of interest should be sent to or Planning Policy Team,  Folkestone & Hythe District Council, Civic Centre, Castle Hill Avenue, Folkestone, Kent, CT20 2QY 

KCC’s Growth, Economic Development and Communities Cabinet Committee members agreed in January that an alternative town centre location for the library and registration service should be explored and that actions relating to its listing as an ACV should be progressed. Further engagement with Creative Folkestone was also approved.

The district council has expressed a strong preference for the library service to be reinstated into the Grace Hill building and has long supported a community proposal.