Residents can share their views on the draft Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) Charging Schedule proposed by Folkestone & Hythe District Council in a consultation that has started (22 August) and runs until 5pm on 3 October 2022.
The CIL is a fee that local authorities can charge on new development in their area and is an important tool to help deliver the infrastructure needed to support development in the district.
The council adopted the Core Strategy Review in March 2022, and so it is timely it now seeks to amend the adopted CIL Charging Schedule to bring it in line with the policies and strategic allocations within the adopted Core Strategy Review.
Supporting documents published by the council for public consultation provide context to the levy. These include the CIL Draft Charging Schedule and associated maps, an Infrastructure Schedule, an Infrastructure Funding Gap Statement and an area-wide viability study and appendices.
Leader Cllr David Monk said: "It's vital to ensure that new developments have appropriate infrastructure in place. The funds raised through the Community Infrastructure Levy means we can deliver support for development across the district.
"Any change in fees obviously directly affects developers but it's important we get residents views on proposed changes to this charge as it will affect the quality and quantity of new amenities and infrastructure. I hope residents find time to share their feedback on the proposed changes."
After the consultation closes, the council will submit the Draft Charging Schedule and all comments for examination by an independent Examiner.
To find out more and comment please visit
Paper copies of the main consultation documents will also be available to view at the Civic Centre and district libraries during normal opening hours. Submissions can either be made online or by post using the appropriate form, which can be either downloaded from the consultation webpage or picked up at the Civic Centre.
Date published: 22 August 2022