Cost of living summit to take place

Published: 20 September 2022

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A summit on the rising cost of living will take place on 20 September in the council chamber.

The move was agreed by Folkestone & Hythe District Council's Overview and Scrutiny Committee after the matter was referred by full council.

The event will ensure the council is working effectively in partnership with local organisations and the voluntary sector to assist residents who might face challenges around food, warmth and energy during the coming winter months.

Voluntary organisations across Folkestone & Hythe will be invited to discuss how best to help residents faced with rapidly rising costs. These include Kent Police, Citizens Advice and representatives from the health and education sectors.

There will be a panel discussion and each speaker will set out how their organisation is responding to the cost of living crisis and what support they are offering to residents.

The summit was agreed by members of Folkestone & Hythe District Council's Overview and Scrutiny Committee last night (6 September).

Cllr Michelle Keutenius, committee chair, said: "We know that cost of living increases are creating huge challenges for residents in our district. It's important we collaborate with the voluntary sector and look at every possible way in which residents can be assisted through what will be a very tough winter."

Cabinet Member for Communities, Cllr Jenny Hollingsbee, added: "We want to make sure we are working together with partner organisations to maximise the effectiveness of support for residents."

Leader Cllr David Monk said: "I'm delighted this cost-of-living summit is going ahead. It is so important that we work closely with partners to ease challenges for residents as much as possible. I hope this partnership working will result in a wider range of options that are simple to access for residents."

After the summit a comprehensive register of local organisations will be produced to assist residents access the help on offer. Visit to find some of the support already available.

The summit is not open to the public but this event will be recorded and the recording made available on our website.

Date published: 20 September 2022