Help make our new website better

Published: 28 September 2022

An image of the FH&DC website front page

Folkestone & Hythe District Council is looking for residents to feedback on the future design of its website.

A new easy-to-use and customer-focused platform is to be launched towards the end of the year and comments will be sought once the design work has started.

Those interested in being involved are asked to get in touch.

Cllr Ray Field, Cabinet Member for Transport and Digital Transformation, said: "We want our new website to provide residents with clear, up-to-date council information in an accessible and structured way across all devices."

Residents should share their details via our online form before 5pm on 27 October 2022 to register their interest.

Leader Cllr David Monk added: "It doesn't matter how much or little time you spend on the internet, your input could help make the user experience better for everyone."

Date published: 28 September 2022