Support helps ring the changes for centre

Published: 18 October 2022

An image of CEO of charity

Vital work by a Folkestone charity has been made easier thanks to new funding.

The Rainbow Centre - recently named Kent Charity of the Year 2022 - used the award from Folkestone Community Works (FCW) to buy a much-needed new phone system, computers and other equipment.

The centre helps support individuals and families experiencing deprivation or hardships through various food services (including the new Hythe Pantry), advice for homeless people, and a winter shelter. It also offers a supervised contact space for non-resident parents to meet their children, and partners with Citizens Advice to offer a Money Matters Project for those facing debt problems.

CEO Mary Stredwick said the centre's old system, which was outdated and "slowly grinding to a halt", needed to be updated to meet current needs and expansion plans.

"As a charity, we frequently communicate with clients and other agencies, making daily calls to mobile and landlines." Mary said. "The reality of our need for upgrading our IT equipment became very apparent during the pandemic when staff and volunteers worked remotely; the ability to make calls from laptops would have been beneficial then. However, we are thrilled that with this funding we can look to the future of delivering our vital services efficiently."

Mary added: "The grant will enable us to further our aims of serving our clients efficiently and timely. Our vision is to help build a caring community where everyone is included and can have the opportunity to live and work in dignity with hope for the future."

FCW, which is run by Folkestone & Hythe District Council, invests EU funding into small- and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) in Folkestone's East, Central and Harbour wards.

Mary said: "The response time after submission was swift and we signed grant agreements soon after, enabling us to implement our project immediately. It's a fantastic opportunity to fund your project if it matches the FCW funding aims."

Cllr David Wimble, Cabinet Member for the District Economy, said: "At a time when more people are using the Rainbow Centre's services, we are delighted to have supported Mary and her team with this grant.  We know it will enable them to continue their good work for - and with - the community.

Leader Cllr David Monk added: "This funding was so important to the Rainbow Centre and there are other charities and businesses that can benefit from FCW money - there is still time to apply!"

More details about the FCW project (including how to apply) can be found here:

Mary is pictured with some of the FCW-funded equipment.


The Folkestone Community Works Programme is part-funded by the European Structural and Investment Funds 2014-20 and is managed by Folkestone & Hythe District Council.

European Structural and Investment Funds

The project is receiving up to £2.5 million of funding from the England European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014-2020. The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government and the Department for Work and Pensions (and in London the intermediate body Greater London Authority) are the Managing Authorities for European Regional Development Fund and European Social Fund funding through the Growth Programme, funds established by the European Union to help local areas stimulate their economic development. By investing in projects the funds will help to support innovation, businesses, skills and employment to improve local growth and create jobs. For more information visit

Date published: 18 October 2022