Talking about our green and blue future

Published: 23 November 2022

An image for the green and blue future

A consultation on how best to conserve and enhance areas such as parks, gardens and water environments has been launched.

The draft Green and Blue Infrastructure Strategy sets out the needs and opportunities for the district's network of these types of spaces.

It outlines aims including protecting and enhancing core biodiversity sites, adapting and mitigating for climate change impacts, and ensuring future development is sustainable.

Residents now have the opportunity to share their views.

Cllr Lesley Whybrow, Cabinet Member for the Environment, said: "This is an ambitious strategy and will need the support of the community to succeed.

"So it is incredibly useful to get feedback at this stage and I would encourage people to have a look and make their comments.

"The consultation will also allow us to start identifying joint working opportunities that can benefit our wonderful green and blue infrastructure network."

The document has already been shaped following conversations with local organisations such as town and parish councils, as well as other statutory bodies.

Once adopted, the strategy will be used to identify projects that can benefit the local environment and provide guidance for developers drawing up proposals in Folkestone & Hythe.

Leader Cllr David Monk: "This aspirational plan can help create an ecologically-resilient green and blue network while also making as much of our incredible and varied nature accessible to residents."

Documents can be read by visiting, where comments can also be submitted.

Printed copies are available to view at the Civic Centre and in the district's libraries during normal opening hours.

Written comments should be sent to Strategy & Policy, Folkestone & Hythe District Council, Civic Centre, Castle Hill Avenue, Folkestone, CT20 2QY.

The deadline for responses is 5pm on 16 January 2023.

Date published: 23 November 2022