Guide for event planning

Street party information

If you are organising a street party to celebrate any occasion, here is what you need to know.


The Licensing Act 2003 does not require a music licence at a street party unless amplified music is one of the main purposes of the event.


If you plan to sell alcohol you will need to check whether you need a Temporary Events Notice. This is a temporary permission for licensable activities which currently costs £21 and covers events of fewer than 499 people, including anyone helping to run the event.


The Food Standards Agency (FSA) has confirmed that one-off events such as street parties aren't usually considered food businesses, so there are no forms to fill in. However, you must ensure that any food provided is safe to eat.

The FSA website provides more advice about providing safe food at street parties and other community events


You do not have to register a lottery (which includes raffles, sweepstakes and tombolas) if you are running an 'incidental lottery', but tickets must be sold at the event and prizes cannot be rolled over from one event to another.

Anyone at the event (including children) can take part in this sort of lottery. No more than £100 can be deducted from the proceeds of the lottery to cover the expenses incurred in organising the lottery (eg ticket printing), and no more than £500 can be spent on prizes (not including donated prizes).

The Gambling Commission's website has more information about running a lottery.


There is no requirement to have public liability insurance for street parties, but we highly recommend it.

If you think it would be a good idea, have a look at the advice on the Street Party site and The Big Lunch website and shop around. The Big Lunch has negotiated special rates for street party insurance which can be split between people attending, or you could ask for donations to cover the costs.

Road closures

Any road closures needed for street parties must be issued by KCC Highways and there are specific criteria that must be adhered to.

Useful links

More information about organising street parties is available by clicking on the links below.

GOV.UK: Your guide to organise a street party,

The Street Party Site: Plan your private residents street party.