2022/2023 Otterpool Park Outline Planning Application (updated)

Otterpool Park LLP has submitted amendments and updates to the Outline Planning Application. The changes to the application are summarised in the OP6 - Guide to the Planning Application 2022 (PDF, 2.82MB) 

Planning application reference Y19/0257/FH

View and comment on Otterpool Park

Any person wishing to make representations about these updates and amendments which should relate to land use considerations, can submit comments on line using the above link (web address).

Alternatively, you can email comments to the email address below (but you will not be able to track the progress of the application):

Please include the:

  • Application Reference (Y19/025/FH)
  • Your name and postal address (we cannot consider anonymous representations)

The Council is obliged to make any letters/emails of representation on planning related applications available to the public and your name and comments will be viewable online.

If you do not have internet access, a paper copy of the updated application can be viewed at the Civic Centre in Folkestone by appointment.  Members of the public are requested to contact the Contact Centre to make an appointment to view the paper copy (telephone: 01303 85300 between 10:00 and 16:00 hours).  The application documents will be made available in a ground floor meeting room by the Contact Centre.

Stanford Parish Council also has a paper copy of the application, which can be viewed by appoint at Stanford Parish Room, Folkestone Racecourse.  To make an appointment please call the Parish Clerk on 01303 814283.

February 2023

The Local Planning Authority received further amendments in relation to the Outline Planning Application on Tuesday 14 February 2023.  This included further information and other information in relation to the Existing Environmental Statement.

The statutory consultation on the outline planning application ran between Wednesday 15 February 2023 to Thursday 16 March 2023 at 4.00pm.

All documents relevant to the further amendments including further information and other information can be viewed from the link below along with tables of all the responses received during the consultation period.

The application reference number is: Y19/0257/FH

View all February 2023 Otterpool Park Consultation Documents

Link to the Tables of all the responses received during the consultation period (15 February 2023 to 04 April 2023)

December 2022 Consultation

The Local Planning Authority has received further amendments in relation to the Outline Planning Application.  This also includes further information and other information in relation to the existing Environmental Statement. This was received on Monday November 21, 2022.

The statutory consultation on the outline planning application ran between Thursday December 1, 2022 and Monday January 9, 2023 (closed at 4pm).

Tables of all the responses received during the consultation period can be found below:

All documents relevant to the further amendments including further information and other information (November 2022 documents) are listed below:

A summary of the changes and updates can be found here: Summary of changes & updates to Application Documents November 2022 (PDF,130.0KB)

Outline Planning Application November 2022 - Further Information

Further Information Documents - November 2022

Schedule of Changes Document - November 2022

Application Covering Letter November 2022 (PDF,168.28KB)  
Otterpool Park Transport Response Report V2 (R) November 2022 (PDF,72.18MB)  
Nutrient Neutrality Update Part 1 - Main Report (October 2022) (PDF,12MB)  Schedule of Changes - Nutrient Neutrality Analysis Update Report (October 2022) (PDF, 18.71KB)
Nutrient Neutrality Update Part 2 - Appendix A Figures 1 & 2 (October 2022) (PDF,7.77MB)  
Nutrient Neutrality Update Part 3 - Appendix A Figures 3, 4 & 5 (October 2022) [9.26MB]  
Nutrient Neutrality Update Part 4 – Appendix B (October 2022) [7.21MB]  
Nutrient Neutrality Update Part 5 – Appendix C (October 2022) [8.0MB]  
Nutrient Neutrality Update Part 6 – Appendix D, E & F (October 2022) [3.8MB]  
OP5 Appendix 4.1 Development Specification November 2022 [9.33MB]  Schedule of Changes - 4.1 Development Specification (November 2022) (PDF,87.81KB)
OP5 Appendix 4.3 Strategic Design Principles November 2022 Part 1 [9.53MB]  Schedule of Changes - 4.3 Strategic Design Principles (November 2022) (PDF,58.9KB)
OP5 Appendix 4.3 Strategic Design Principles November 2022 Part 2 [7.15MB]  
OP5 Appendix 7.19 Habitats Regulations Assessment v5.2 Part 1 [7.55MB]  Schedule of Changes - 7.19 HRA (November 2022) (PDF,16.47KB)
OP5 Appendix 7.19 Habitats Regulations Assessment v5.2 Part 2 [7.44MB]  
OP5 Appendix 7.19 Habitats Regulations Assessment v5.2 Part 3 [7.29MB]  
OP5 Appendix 7.19 Habitats Regulations Assessment v5.2 Part 4 [7.01MB]  
OP5 Appendix 7.19 Habitats Regulations Assessment v5.2 Part 5 [2.74MB]  

September 2022 Consultation

The Local Planning Authority received an updated outline planning application for Otterpool Park on August 31, 2022.   The statutory consultation on the outline application ran between Wednesday 07 September 2022 and Monday 10 October 2022.

A table of all the responses received during the consultation period can be found below:

A table of the relevant documents can be found below:

Outline Planning Application August 2022 - Further Information

Further information Documents - August 2022

Schedule of Changes Documents - August

OP1.1 Application Covering Letter August 2022 (PDF, 222KB)  
OP3 - Application Form, CIL & Press Advertisement August 2022 (PDF, 2.21MB)  
Appendix 2.6 Otterpool Park Commitments Register August 2022 Amended (PDF, 721KB) Schedule of Changes - Appendix 2.6 Commitments Register Update August 2022 (PDF, 178KB)
OP4 Non Technical Summary Amended August 2022 (PDF, 3.27MB)  
OP5 Appendix 4.1 Development Specification Amended August 2022 (PDF, 813MB)  
OP5 Appendix 4.3 Strategic Design Principles Amended August 2022 (PDF, 92.37MB) Schedule of Changes - 4.3 Strategic Design Principles Updated August 2022 (PDF, 759KB)
OP5 Appendix 4.5 - 4.6 Illustrative Master Plan Land Use August 2022 (Amended) (PDF, 3.1MB)  
OP5 Appendix 4.9 - Otterpool Park Energy Strategy Amended (PDF, 416MB) Schedule of Changes - 4.9 Otterpool Park Energy Strategy Updated August 2022 (PDF, 77KB)
OP5 Appendix 4.11 - Otterpool Park Green Infrastructure Strategy Amended (R) (PDF, 196.30MB) Schedule of Changes - 4.11 Green Infrastructure Strategy Updated August 2022 (PDF, 220KB)
OP5 Appendix 4.12 - Otterpool Park Heritage Strategy (Full Version) Amended (R) (PDF, 168.90MB)  
OP5 Appendix 4.16 - Otterpool Park Design & Access Statement Amended (R) (PDF, 123.16MB) Schedule of Changes - 4.16 Design and Access Statement Update August 2022  (PDF, 110KB)
OP5 Appendix 7.18 - Targeted Species Mitigation Stat. Badgers Amended August 2022 (PDF, 15.72MB)  
OP5 Appendix 7.20 Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) Updated August 2022 (PDF, 7.44MB) Schedule of Changes - 7.20 Biodiversity Action Plan Updated August 2022 (PDF, 78KB)
OP5 Appendix 9.25 - Conservation Management Plan Updated August 2022 (PDF, 87.64MB)

Schedule of Changes - Appendix 9.25 Conservation Management Plan August 2022 (PDF, 126KB)

OP12 Otterpool Park User Centric Travel Document Updated August 2022 (PDF, 2.55MB)  
OP5 Appendix 15.2 Otterpool Park Nutrient Neutrality Update July 2022 Amended (PDF, 28.12MB)  
Otterpool Park Transport Response Report Complete (R) (PDF, 46.58MB)  
Response to Interim Environmental Statement Review by Temple August 2022 ([PDF, 54.18MB)  

April 2022 Consultation

The Local Planning Authority received an updated outline planning application for Otterpool Park on 31 March 2022.  The statutory consultation on the outline application ran between Monday 29 April 2022 and Friday 24 June 2022.  A table of all the responses received during the consultation period can be found below:

OP1 - Covering Letter

OP1 Covering Letter (PDF, 965KB)

OP3 - Outline Planning Application Form, including relevant certificates & CIL form

Application Form (PDF, 324KB)

CIL Form (PDF,83KB)

Otterpool Article 13 (PDF, 122KB)

Public Notice (PDF, 5.19MB)

OP4 - Non Technical Summary

OP4 - Non Technical Summary (PDF, 25.59MB)

OP5 - Environmental Statement Volume 

1-4. Introduction

OP5 Chapter 1 (PDF, 582KB)

OP5 Chapter 2 (PDF, 437KB)

OP5 Chapter 3 (PDF, 123MB)

OP5 Chapter 4 (PDF, 846KB)

5. Agriculture and Soils 

Agriculture Soils (PDF, 514KB)

6. Air Quality 

Air Quality (PDF, 3.27MB)

7. Biodiversity 

Biodiversity (PDF, 2.94MB)

8. Climate Change 

Climate Change (PDF, 1.04MB)

9. Cultural Heritage 

Cultural Heritage (PDF, 5.33MB)

10. Hydrogeology and Land Quality 

Geology, Hydrogeology and Land Quality (PDF, 16.26MB)

11. Human Health

Human Health (PDF, 704KB)

12. Landscape and Visual Impact

Landscape and Visual Impact (PDF, 5.52MB)

13. Noise and Vibration 

Noise and Vibration (PDF, 1.98MB)

14. Socio-economic Effects and Community 

Socio-economic Effects and Community (PDF, 942KB)

15. Surface Water Resources and Flood Risk

Surface Water Resources and Flood Risk (PDF, 599KB)

16. Transport 

Transport (PDF, 3.27MB)

17. Waste and Resource Management 

Waste and Resource Management (PDF, 1.01MB)

List of documents submitted for approval

List of documents submitted for approval

List of documents submitted in support

Appendix 1 - Introduction

List of documents  - Appendix 1 and 2 

Appendix 4.0 - The Site and The Proposed Development

List of documents - Appendix 4

Appendix 5.0 - Agriculture and Soils

Appendix 5.1 - Figures (PDF, 12.54MB)

Appendix 6.0 - Air Quality

List of documents - Appendix 6

Appendix 7.0 - Biodiversity

List of documents - Appendix 7 

Appendix 8.0 Climate Change

Appendix 8.1 – Carbon Calculations (PDF, 337KB)

Appendix 9.0 - Cultural Heritage

List of documents - Appendix 9

Appendix 10.0 - Geology, Hydrogeology and Land Quality

List of documents - Appendix 10 

Appendix 11.0 - Human Health

List of documents - Appendix 11 

Appendix 12.0 - Landscape and Visual

List of documents - Appendix 12

Appendix 13.0 - Noise and Vibration 

List of documents - Appendix 13

Appendix 14.0 - Socio-Economic Effects and Community 

Appendix 14.1 – Economic Strategy (PDF, 1.76MB)

Appendix 15.0 - Surface Water and Flood Risk

List of documents - Appendix 15

Appendix 16.0 Transport 

List of documents - Appendix 16

Appendix 17.0 - Waste and Resource Management

List of documents - Appendix 17

OP6 - Guide to the Planning Application 2022

OP6 - Guide to the Planning Application 2022 (PDF, 2.82MB)

OP7 - Spatial Vision 

OP7 - Spatial Vision (PDF, 39.9MB)

OP8 - Planning and Delivery Statement 

OP8 Planning and Delivery Statement (PDF, 7.68MB)

OP9 - Sustainability Statement

OP9 - Sustainability Statement (PDF, 362KB)

OP10 - Monitoring and Evaluation Framework

OP10 - Monitoring and Evaluation Framework (PDF, 1.51MB)

OP11 - Mobility Vision Report 

OP11 - Mobility Vision Report (PDF, 1.55MB)

OP12 - User-Centric Travel Document 

OP12 - User-Centric Travel Document (PDF, 2.74MB)

OP13 - Access and Movement Mode Share Targets

OP13 - Access and Movement Mode Share Targets (PDF, 7.85MB)

OP14 - Cultural and Creative Strategy 

OP14 - Cultural and Creative Strategy (PDF, 9.36MB)

OP15 - Statement of Community Involvement 

OP15 - Statement of Community Involvement (PDF, 25.26MB)

OP16 - Supplemental Statement of Community Involvement 

OP16 - Supplemental Statement of Community Involvement (PDF, 27.05MB)