Otterpool Park 2016

December 2016

The first events in a programme of engagement on the masterplanning process are held from 8 December to 10 December.

Details are published on a new website, launched by the design team to provide information to residents and businesses about the masterplanning process on behalf of Folkestone & Hythe District Council and Cozumel Estates.

Otterpool Park Community Engagement Events December 2016

November 2016

On Friday 11 November the Government announced its support and funding for Otterpool Park.

Government announcement - Otterpool Park

October 2016

Protocols for Members and officers were agreed by Cabinet and the Corporate Management Team respectively to distinguish between the two distinct roles that we have in relation to Otterpool Park  - landowner and Local Planning Authority. The protocols establish a delineation between those two functions.

Otterpool - Officer Protocol (PDF, 90KB)

Otterpool - Member Protocol (PDF, 80KB)

The attached briefing notes have been produced to provide an update on Otterpool Park and the Review of the Core Strategy Local Plan of Folkestone & Hythe District Council

Otterpool Park: update on progress by Shepway District Council as landowner (PDF, 71KB)

Briefing Note - Review of Core Strategy Local Plan (PDF, 145KB)

August 2016

All the Parish and Town Councils in the district were invited to a meet with Members and officers to discuss Otterpool Park in more detail, and how they wanted to be involved in future.

21 July 2016

On Wednesday 20 July, at a meeting of Full Council, Councillor Monk updated councillors on Otterpool Park and announced that the Council intended to publish its Expression of Interest in being part of the Government's garden settlements programme the following morning.

Over the coming months we will be talking with people from across the district so as to fully understand and appreciate the issues that are particularly important to them.

Otterpool Park Expression of Interest

17 June 2016

On 17 June 2016 the Expression of Interest for the Otterpool Park Garden Town was submitted to the Department for Communities and Local Government to be considered as part of the Government's programme of "Locally Led Garden Villages, Towns and Cities". We have yet to be informed when we will receive a response from the Government regarding our submission.

9 June 2016

On 7 June 2016 parish councillors from Sellindge, Stanford, Saltwood, Postling, Lympne and Monks Horton were invited by Cllr David Monk, Leader of Folkestone & Hythe District Council to be briefed about the potential Garden Town at Otterpool Park.  Here is a copy of the presentation that was given.

Presentation Parish Councils Briefing (PDF, 808KB)

The following day the Cabinet of Folkestone & Hythe District Council met to consider a report which sets out the case for a potential new garden settlement in the district. The Cabinet voted to approve the submission of an expression of interest for Otterpool Park in response to the Government's prospectus for "Locally Led Garden Villages, Towns and Cities". The draft minutes also contain a note of feedback from the briefing with Parish Councillors and a record of decisions taken at the part of the meeting from which the public had to be excluded. The public were excluded from discussions under paragraph 3 of Part 1 of Schedule 12A of the Local Government Act 1972 as there would be 'Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (including the authority holding that information).' .

Cllr David Monk, Leader of the Council said; "I am very pleased with this outcome. It is the job of all councillors, and Cabinet in particular, to make decisions in the best interest of the people of the district; this is why we were elected. My Cabinet colleagues and I think a Garden Town is a not-to-be-missed opportunity for the district's future, which is why we have voted unanimously in favour of making an expression of interest to government, which we hope will be successful."

"I understand that some members of the public continue to be concerned about aspects of these proposals. I can assure all residents and interested parties that there will be an opportunity to put their views forward as part of the formal consultation that will follow."

Draft Cabinet Minutes 8 June 2016 (PDF, 157KB)

31 May 2016

A nine page report published today sets out Folkestone & Hythe District Council's ambition to create a new garden settlement. The papers will be discussed at the Council's Cabinet on Wednesday, 8 June.

Read the report

06 May 2016

Leader of Folkestone & Hythe District Council, Cllr David Monk, announced on 6 May 2016 the council's intention to bid for a garden town in the area surrounding Otterpool Manor Farm

In March, the government invited local authorities to identify areas for new garden settlements, to increase the overall number of new homes being built nationally. The Department for Communities and Local Government have produced guidance on 'Locally-Led Garden Villages, Towns and Cities.' The government have offered to support local areas wanting to deliver a garden village, town or city.  The first part of this process is to produce an expression of interest.  

In response, Folkestone & Hythe District Council's Cabinet asked for detailed work to be carried out, to establish if the council should submit an 'expression of interest' to the government. 

The council has identified a broad area around Otterpool Manor Farm and developed a set of draft principles that, if approved by Cabinet in June, will form a part of an expression of interest to the government this summer. You can see these below:

Map of South East England (PDF, 73KB

Map of Otterpool Park (PDF, 1.13MB)

Principles for the development (PDF, 171KB)

Otterpool Park Garden Town could see up to 12,000 new homes being built over the next 30 years within easy reach of nearby villages, towns and the countryside, but with its own businesses, schools and parks.

The tables in this document show the land and number of facilities that might be provided in developments of different sizes:

New Settlements - size, scale and facilities (PDF, 187KB)

April 2016

AECOM conclude their work on the potential for development in and around Junction 11 of the M20 and north of the A20.

Land at J11 M20 Advice Note AECOM April 2016 (PDF, 3.68MB)

16 March 2016

The Government invited local authorities to identify areas for new garden settlements to increase the overall number of homes being built nationally

GOV.UK: Locally-Led Garden Villages, Towns and Cities