July 2020
The Inspectors have published the Main Matters, Issues and Questions for the Examination of the Folkestone and Hythe District Core Strategy Review. A Delivery Statement has been prepared jointly by Otterpool Park LLP and Folkestone and Hythe District Council (LPA).
The Statement brings together the current evidence on the delivery of Otterpool Park, the work undertaken to date and provides a factual update on the proposals which underpin the Strategic Site Allocation (North Downs New Settlement SS6 - SS9).
This Delivery Statement is prepared as supporting evidence to the examination of the Local Plan and is without prejudice to any future decision the Local Planning Authority may make.
F&HDC Joint Delivery Statement Redacted (PDF, 25.37MB)
June 2020
The National Planning Policy Framework requires Local planning authorities to ensure that they have access to, and make appropriate use of, tools and processes for assessing and improving the design of development such as design advice and review arrangements.
The Otterpool Park Place Panel was established in 2018 to support the Local Planning Authority in achieving high quality, innovative and sustainable place making. The Place Panel is an independent and impartial service and updated terms of reference can be found in the following document.
2020 OPPP terms of reference (PDF, 3.92MB)
April 2020
The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) encourages the use of Planning Performance Agreements and states that PPAs are likely to be needed for applications that are particularly large or complex to determine.
A planning performance agreement is a project management tool which local planning authorities and applicants can use to agree timescales, actions and resources for handling particular applications.
It should cover the pre-application and application stages but may also extend through to the post-application stage.
Following the LPA review of the Outline Planning Application a revised Planning Performance Agreement has been agreed that sets out the issues and topics to be worked through, how the parties will work together and an updated programme.